March 13: Saint Euphrasia

Euphrasia was born in 390 in Constantinople. Her parents were related to Theodosius, emperor of Constantinople. Her father died when she was five years old. After the death of her husband, the saint’s mother began to use all her possessions for various charitable purposes.

Her mother established a monastery in Egypt for monks. One hundred and thirty ascetics lived there. They lived there in severe fasting and atonement. When Euphrasia was seven, she asked her mother to join the monastery. Although the mother and the abbot tried to discourage her by telling her about the misery and severity of monastic life, the saint did not back down from her wish. In the end, her mother happily gave her permission to enter the monastery. The mother died soon after.

The emperor asked Euphrasius to return. But her answer was that she had promised Christ virginity and therefore should give all her possessions to the poor. From the age of seven to the age of thirty, she lived as an example to all in that monastery. Every day she was prospering in virtue.

Euphrasia loved to do the riskiest work in the monastery. The saint’s only meal was some peas and herbs after sunset. The saint, who fasted two or three days a week, sometimes fasted for forty days without any food. She was a model of humility, serenity, and submissiveness. Saint Euphrasia was called to eternity in 420 at the age of thirty.

Daily Reading, Saints

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