Symptoms of stress existed early on, but after its discovery, it has become a common word, and fairly all have to go through it. Research shows that it has helped millions cope with stress. Here are some ways to relieve stress.
Music is the Best Remedy
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a stressful situation, try to take a break and listen to some relaxing music. Playing light music has a rejuvenating effect on the brain and body. It can help lower your blood pressure and reduce cortisol, a hormone linked to stress.
Talk it out with a Friend
When you’re feeling stressed, take a break to call a reliable friend and talk about your
problems. To enjoy a healthy lifestyle, good relationships with friends and loved ones are
important. They’re especially important when you’re under a lot of stress. A reassuring voice, even for a minute, can put everything into perspective.
Talk to Yourself
Sometimes talking to a friend may not be an option. If this is the case, talking calmly to
yourself can be the next best thing. It is not a matter of craziness, just tell yourself why you’re stressed out. That may be about your task at hand. Most important thing is to assume that everything will be okay.
Eating Needed
We often forget to eat well and resort to using sugary, fatty snack foods as a pick-me-up. So it is important to remember that appropriate diet and stress are closely related.
Try to avoid sugary snacks and fried items. Fruits and vegetables are always good, and fish
with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids have been proved to reduce the symptoms of stress. A tuna sandwich really is brain food that can be included in your menu.
Laughter releases endorphins that improve mood and decrease levels of the stress-causing
hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Laughing tricks your nervous system into making you happy.
Drink Green Tea
A large dose of caffeine causes a short-term spike in blood pressure. It may also cause your hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to go into overdrive.
Instead of coffee or energy drinks, try green tea. It has less than half the caffeine of coffee
and contains healthy antioxidants, as well as thiamine, an amino acid that has a calming
effect on the nervous system.
Be Mindful
Most of the tips we’ve suggested provide immediate relief, but there are also many lifestyle
changes that can be more effective in the long run. The concept of “mindfulness” is a large
part of meditative and somatic approaches to mental health and has become popular recently.
Exercise (even for a minute)
Exercise doesn’t mean power lifting at the gym or heavy training for a marathon. A short
walk around the office or simply standing up to stretch during a break at work can offer
immediate relief in a stressful situation.
Sleep well
Stress can cause you to lose sleep. Unfortunately, lack of sleep is also a key cause for stress. This vicious cycle causes the brain and body to get out of whack and only gets worse with time.
Make sure to get the doctor-recommended seven to eight hours of sleep. Turn the TV off
earlier, dim the lights, and give yourself time to relax before going to bed. It may be the most effective stress buster on our list.
Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Too much-
untreated stress can cause potentially serious physical and mental health problems.
The good news behind many cases, stress is manageable. With some patience and a few
useful strategies, you can reduce your stress, whether it’s family stress or stress at the workplace.