January 26: Saint Timothy

Timothy, a faithful disciple of Paul, was born in the first century in Lystra, Asia Minor. Timothy’s father was a Gentile, and his mother was a Jewish woman. Although he had read the Scriptures since childhood, Timothy had not been circumcised as a Jew. It was during this period that Saint Paul arrives in Lystra. Timothy and his mother, who were converted by his preaching, converted to Christianity.

Seven years after Paul’s visit to Lystra, he met Timothy, who had become the very dear one of all men because of his good character, rigorous lifestyle, and zeal. Satisfied with the sanctity of his life, Paul anointed Timothy as a priest. From then on he became Paul’s faithful and close friend.

Timothy, Paul’s companion, at times, as his faithful angel, worked hard to persuade members of the newly established church to remain faithful. He has visited Asia Minor and Greece with Paul. Finally, Paul appointed Timothy as the first bishop of Ephesus. It was there that he received two epistles addressed to Paul to Timothy.

In both epistles, Paul expresses his desire to see his beloved Timothy again, if possible, before he dies. However, in A.D. 97, Timothy walked into the martyrdom.


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