January 15: Saint Itha

Itha was born into a royal family near Drum, Ireland. After rejecting the marriage proposal of an aristocratic young man, she moved to the high corner of western Limerick, where she formed a service society with a few artisans.

There are many popular stories about this. In the early days, she would skip meals and work for three or four days in a row. One day an angel appeared and asked her to eat well and stay healthy. But she refused to change her ways. The angel said, “Then God will feed you in due time from now on.” She has not eaten anything but it is believed she had heavenly food.

Here is another story. Her brother-in-law, a craftsman, was once killed in a robbery. When the relatives went in search, they found only his affair; The head was cut off by robbers. Itha foretold that the man would have a son and that the son would become great. Itha prayed fervently for his resurrection because that prophecy had not been fulfilled. As a result, the head flew through the air and merged with the connection. He was healthier than ever. Everyone was amazed when they saw this.

He had a child just in time, as foretold. The boy was identified as a Latin saint. It is believed that the saint left this world around 570.


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