January 14: Saint Felix of Nola

Saint Felix of Nola was a Christian presbyter at Nola near Naples in Italy. He sold off his possessions in order to give to the poor but was arrested and tortured for his Christian faith during the persecution of the Roman emperor Decius. He was believed to have died a martyr’s death during the persecution of Decius or Valerian but is now listed in the General Roman Calendar as a confessor of the faith, who survived his tortures.

Felix, who was imprisoned in the name of Christianity, was flogged and then fettered to his feet and imprisoned. The broken glasses were scattered on the floor so that Felix could not stand or lie down. One night, a miraculous effulgence radiated from the prison. An angel appeared and freed Felix from his shackles. Later, Felix became disguised. When the soldiers found out about him, they hid in a cave. In a short time, the cave entrance was covered with spider webs. So, the soldiers did not even look there. Felix came out of the cave and was in disguise for a long time.

With the death of Decius, the Church gained independence. After Maximus’ death, Felix was elected bishop. He returned the remnants of his inheritance, which had been confiscated by the rulers, and donated it to the poor. Thus he led a life of self-sacrifice and served the church for a long time. He died on the 14th of January in 260.


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