Like the previous years, the text signed by the major penitentiary, Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, grants an indulgence to the elderly and to all the faithful who will participate “in the various functions that will be held throughout the world.”
According to the given details, Catholics who “devote adequate time to actually or virtually visiting their elderly brothers and sisters in need or difficulty (such as the sick, the lonely, the disabled, …)” will also be eligible for this indulgence.
An ancient practice in Christianity, the indulgence is a sign of God’s forgiveness.
To benefit from this, however, certain conditions must be met. In this case, the decree mentions the standard requirements: detachment from any sin, confession, attendance at Mass, and prayer per the Pope’s intentions.
Rome specifies that the plenary indulgence of July 28 may also be granted “to all those who, unable to leave their homes for a serious reason,” participate spiritually in the events and “intend to fulfill the three usual conditions as soon as possible.” They are invited to join the celebrations at a distance through the media.