How to Talk with a Teen?

Adolescence is a time when visions and decisions happen. It’s also the age when everyone has an opinion and expresses it. At this age, parents have a duty to strengthen them in prayer and faith.

How can the parents communicate better with teens?

1. Do not Speak, but Converse

Sometimes parents always complain that children always make mistakes. Children are never ready to listen to this too. Remember that conversation always involves two people. So converse with your children, do not talk.

2. Speech should not be Offensive

When one of the two’s feelings hurts, the conversion fails. So do not use words that would offend your child. Bible stories and parables can be included in the conversation if they are interested in listening. Remember that Christ spoke to his people through parables.

3. Respect their Opinions

Half of their problems will go away if they realize that their parents are paying attention when they talk to teens. It has been said that adolescence is the age at which opinion is formed. So respect their comments and suggestions on any subject.

4. Keep the Conversation Short and Simple

Usually, parents tell their children more than fifty percent of what they need to say. We have to avoid that verbose.

5. Speak for Yourself

Parents do not have to talk like children or their friends. They need to speak out of their own responsibility. Children develop respect for their parents when they maintain their position.

6. Do not Hurry

Try to make the moments you talk to children heavenly. Do not hurry. Children need to be convinced that their parents are spending enough time with them.

Daily Reading, Saints

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