Silence, prayer, and deep love for Christ – this is what brought a priest, who belongs to the Missionary Congregation of Blessed Sacrament (MCBS), Emmaus Province Kottayam in Kerala, to a different lifestyle which is very close to the heart of Jesus Christ. On the occasion of International Yoga Day and World Music Day Fr. Saiju Thuruthiyil MCBS, Director of Atma Retreat Centre, Anickadu in Kottayam, speaks about discipline, health, and practicing of meditation in order to obtain both physical and spiritual wellness for the readers of Catholicnews.in.
When Love for Silence and Christ Led him to Meditation
Saiju, the eldest son of the family of Joy Sebastian and Mary, from near Payyanithottam in Poonjar, Kerala loved silence from his childhood itself. That’s why little Saiju, always longed for solitude and enjoyed silence. He had a great love for rain and its silence. Whenever it rained, he used to sit alone and enjoy the beauty and silence of the raindrops outside the window. Therefore, it is no wonder that this boy, who had the habit of praying alone, later wanted to join the Missionary Congregation of Blessed Sacrament (MCBS). “I read a lot of books related to silence since I was young. I understood the great potential of silence in the Christian life from my reading. If we keep our mouths shut, we can remain silent on the outside. But when I realized that inner silence is the real silence, I noted that meditation is a great way to do it, as mentioned in all the books,” Father Saiju shares.
As an ordained priest, under his guidance, many people could attain better health through meditation, sattvic food, and silence. People could approach the Holy Eucharist, and focus on their physical health through meditation. Many could enhance their physical wellness and focus on the spirituality of discipline.
Atma Retreat Centre is an institute that was established in 2019 at Anickadu in the district of Kottayam under the guidance of Father Saiju with the same objective. Atma aims at awakening one’s mind and body through meditation and the practice of silence in harmony with nature. It also has a beautiful medicinal herb garden. Therefore, even the breeze around here contains medicinal properties and sweet calmness. It is the serenity of this place that makes everyone to crave for repeated visits. Many devotees visit this Ashram, and the faithful come here to attend daily the early morning Holy Mass. There is also a guided meditation for an hour before the Holy Mass. It is more than training; it is actually a preparation for the Holy Mass that is going to be celebrated. Father Saiju describes it as follows:
“The practice of meditation just before the Holy Mass is a preparation. Our mind and body are made to concentrate on Christ. It is a complete preparation for sorting out events in life. It is effective not only before Holy Communion; it can be done even before study or before other prayers and before starting a job. Any work we do after the meditation can be done with utmost dedication and focus. There will be better perfection to it.”
Meditation is only a medium that helps us strengthen our faith. If we are able to control our emotions and thoughts, the world will move on in its rhythm and harmony. Due to its fluctuations, a chaotic environment and a dangerous social system are created. The ultimate goal of meditation of silence is to lead one to physical, spiritual, and mental heights. If we understand this, we can be close to Christ.
Father Saiju exemplifies with his life that although priesthood and meditation are two separate entities, they can be worked out in parallel. Meditative silence is something that can be practiced by everyone irrespective of caste, creed, and age. It is important to include this kind of training from the very beginning of the priestly and monastic training. Through the practice of meditation, one can establish a relationship with God with precision and sincerity. That is the purpose of this life. It helps in observing the vows of poverty, obedience, and celibacy. Father Saiju points out that saints who practiced spirituality and meditation centuries ago are models for us. Simeon the Stylite who meditated on God for 37 years in the wind, rain, snow, and sun near Aleppo, and St. Paul of Thebes who meditated on God in solitude were all united with Christ through meditation.
Christian Ghazal with Meditation Goal
Music is an art form, something we can enjoy at any time. Music is the only art that we can enjoy unlimitedly, whether we are sad or happy or at work. Father Saiju is taking a different step with Christian Ghazal concerts. Ghazels are usually love poems. The relationship between God and humans becomes extremely warm when there is love and romance. It also results in the relationship between people. Therefore, he presents the relationship between God and man, as that of a deep human love along with music through Christian Ghazal. All the songs are organized based on the respective topic have created a new experience for Christian devotional music lovers. During this period, 13 ghazel concerts were conducted under the leadership of this priest. Father Saiju says that this is another meditation that helps bringing the mind and body closer to God. In one word we can describe it as a spiritual treatment for the mind.
Father Saiju, who always wants to be united with Christ through meditation and music, has initiated an awareness of healthy spirituality through his life. All this is accompanied by Biblical references. The Holy Bible gives precise instructions for all aspects of practicing meditation and music as therapy. So, Father Saiju, who has graduated in Yoga Therapy from the Vivekananda School of Yoga, Bangalore, has only one suggestion; Meditation is not something that is to be practiced just for a day; it has to be a lifelong habit. To keep our spirituality healthy, see it as a necessity for our life, and make meditation a part of our life as one of the many healthy ways to unite us with Christ.
Sunisha V. F.