Encouraging our children’s spiritual growth is a huge responsibility for each Catholic parent. The parents face challenges in the present world. Here are some ways to explore the ideas to help you in your quest for growing your children in the Catholic faith.
Create a Circle of Support
You’re not the only parent trying to raise your children in our Faith. Surround yourself with people on the same journey. Reach out to others during parish events, Mother’s clubs, preschools, etc. You can become the strong pillar of faith in each other.
Attending Mass is very important in the growth of your children. You also can be empowered by attending Mass in your daily frustrations. Hence, keep always in a prior position to the chances of attending Mass every time in your calendar.
Ask the Help of Our Lady
During this Lent, we have to keep the passion of Jesus always in our minds. But the silent following of Mary, the Mother of Jesus can keep always be in our minds. She had passed everything more than a mother ever. She understands the trials we face as mothers, from the discomforts of pregnancy to the anxieties of raising a child.
Head to the Confessional
Parenting children in our faith requires grace and patience. Don’t ignore the benefits of going to confession. It can heal your mind. Take your children with you, so that they can see what you’re doing. On the way, you can say to them what is going to happen after a confession. Confession is a God-given medicine to heal our hearts without seeing a doctor.
Protect Little Eyes and Ears
In today’s world, we’re bombarded from all sides with anti-Christian messages. Sex sells, and it’s used to sell everything from cars to burgers.
Be aware of what your children are exposed to, in books, television, magazines, movies, and on the Internet. Protect their innocence always. Giving freedom you can control with an unseen cord on your child.
Be an Example
How will you expect your children to live their faith if you’re not leading them? Let them see you go to Mass, Confession, and Eucharistic Adoration. Explain to them why you’re writing out a check for the church envelopes and tell them where the money will go.
Read your Bible, and encourage your children to do the same. Share Bible stories with them, and teach them about the lives of our Saints. Learn about the roles of priests, deacons, religious and laypeople and pass it on to your kids.
Pray with Your Children
A family rosary is a beautiful thing. We do ‘Bless Us O Lord’ when just before our meals, but bedtime prayers are nonnegotiable.
Even small children can learn the Hail Mary or Our Father. Take a look at some Catholic prayer books and explore some new favorites for your family.