Saying “no” doesn’t make your child accept it. His reaction to that word tests your patience. No matter what you do, you can’t calm him down. You feel like you have no choice but to accept what he says. Finally, the word you just said no to, reluctantly turns into a yes without taking his annoyance.
You can stop this tiresome habit that takes place at home. But before that, let’s consider some things related to saying no.
Saying “no” is not cruel. But some parents disagree with this. In their opinion, you can tell the child, explain, or compromise. No matter what, avoid the word no. Because they say it will make the child angry with you.
It’s true that the word “no” will frustrate your child at first. But it teaches him a valuable lesson that in real life there is a limit to everything. Compromising, on the other hand, not only weakens your authority but also teaches to get things done by whining and crying. What you do will change your opinion. Over time, it may cause the child to resent you. How much respect will the child have for the parents who can bring him to his way through the formula?
You’re saying no prepares your child for adolescence and young adulthood. It teaches him the benefits of self-sacrifice.
Your word “No” prepares the children for their youth. “The reality is that we (adults) don’t always get everything we want. . . . We do our children a favour by teaching them that the world will hand them on a silver platter anything they ask for.
Focus on your goal. You want your child to grow up to be a competent, emotionally mature and successful person, but if you give him anything he asks, you are working against that goal. “He who pampers from childhood will be cruel in the end”. Therefore, saying no is an aspect of effective discipline. Such care is done to help your child, never to harm.
When you say no, stick to it. You should not argue as if it is enough to convince him of the reason why he said no. but it is true that as children grow up they need to “train their discernment by use to discern right from wrong.”