To honor someone means you care deeply about and respect them. Many men fail to honor their wives. We talk badly about our wives to our friends and other family members. here are 5 ways we can honor our wives.
1. Hold
Do you remember when did you hold her? One of the greatest needs our spouses have is physical touch. Not all wives are created equally. Your wife may hate being held. But most women long for someone to hold them as they emotionally get attached to the tiny matters and relationships of their lives. Make it a point to hold your wife daily with no strings attached. Don’t give her a hug expecting sex. By doing this, it is a confirmation you give her that she is a priority.
2. Offer Your HelpÂ
Have you given time to offer help in the kitchen? It would be a great solace and acknowledgment for her. So help her whenever you get time. May your suggestions make her life easier, not more difficult. Offer to take the kids so she can hang with some friends. At first, she might think you are up to something. But if you’re consistent, she’ll recognize your sincerity.
3. Say No
Learn to say no in matters you do not interested. Practice saying no in a way that honors if it may cause conflict or frustration or stress for your wife, say no. Often the greatest way to honor our wives is to say no to something we want because we care more about her than about that desire.
4. Observe Her
Most men lack the skill of observation. So if you want to honor your wife, be more intentional in observing her. Observe her way of interacting with others. If you keep an eye on her you can serve them better.
5. Rest is a GiftÂ
God himself rested after he created the heavens and the earth. Rest has a Biblical aspect too. One of the easiest ways to honor our wives is to give them the gift of rest. Plan time away from the kids, away from work, away from the everyday. She has so many works and schedules that she needs a vacation after the vacation. She cannot enjoy the day out with you and the kids as she is highly responsible for your wellness and comfort. Even she cannot enjoy the meal due to feeding and make feel good in your meal time. So, men, take charge to arrange an escape and handle all the logistics to honor her with some much-needed rest on a single night out or a full-blown getaway.