As we are preparing to enter into the Holy Week, we must be aware of the significance of the events that are recalled and the meaningfulness of the liturgical celebrations on each day of the week. Mere physical participation in them need not necessarily be fruitful and effective. We must be able to imbibe and experience their deeper meaning and significance.
Holy Week should lead us to the Joy of Easter. It is a week of sombre reflections on the events leading up to Easter. It begins with Palm Sunday.
On Palm Sunday we commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. This is the Sunday before Easter and is often celebrated waving palm branches, reenacting the procession with Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. Jesus truly was the King of Israel and the Redeemer of his people. Let us humbly open our hearts and acknowledge our need for him.
On Maundy Thursday (or Holy Thursday) we commemorate Jesus’ Last Supper. The services on the day include the Washing of The Feet and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The stripping of the altar signifies the arrest of Jesus. As we accept the Lord’s self-giving love and his servant’s heart, we are filled with the ability and desire to serve others in the same way.
On Good Friday we commemorate the passion and crucifixion of Jesus. The sacrifice is made. Sin is destroyed. The devil is defeated. God and man are united once more. On this day we may pray the Stations of the Cross.
Holy Saturday reminds us of the day Jesus was buried in the tomb. Even Jesus’ burial in a borrowed grave foreshadows the coming resurrection.
The week concludes with Easter, a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. Christ is risen. His rising brings life to the dead, forgiveness to sinners and glory to saints.
Holy Week Activities to Make Easter More Joyful
1) A Daily Devotional to Walk with Jesus through Jerusalem
Reading from the Bible: Commit to reading a scripture passage each day and then spend time in prayer. Allow yourself to be involved in person in the part you are reading and imagine you’re one of the disciples or close followers. Feel what they must have felt that week.
If you prefer to create your own devotional plan, below are some suggested passages for each day:
Palm Sunday: Read and pray on Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Mark 11:1-11)
Monday: Begin reading the account of Jesus’ final week in John. Today, read and pray through Jesus’ anointing at Bethany, when Mary pours perfume on his head (John 12:1-11)
Tuesday: Read and pray on Jesus’ prophesy on his death (John 12:20-36)
Wednesday: Read and pray on Jesus’ prediction of his betrayal (John 13:21-30)
Thursday: Read and pray on the Last Supper (John 13:1-17, 31-35) and Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-45)
Friday: Read and pray on Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion (John 18:28-19:37)
Saturday: Read and pray on the burial of Jesus (Matthew 27:57-66)
Sunday: Read and pray on the resurrection of Jesus (John 20:1-18)
2) Attend Service of the Washing of the Feet on Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday (also called Holy Thursday) is a day set aside to commemorate the Last Supper of Jesus Christ.
Take time to wash each other’s feet, explaining to your children that it’s a way to serve each other.
Read John 13:1-17, 31-35 together and then wash your children’s feet. Encourage them to wash each other’s feet. Discuss what it means to serve others. Share your ideas as to how to better live out this in your daily life.
3) Passover Meal
The Last Supper was Jesus’ last observance of Passover; so experiencing a Passover Seder (dinner) is another way of stepping into the story of the Last Supper yourself.
You can find a guide to the Passover dinner and it would need some planning ahead. Try to taste a few traditional foods.
4) Prayer Vigil on Thursday Night
After the Last Supper, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. Heaven saw his most passionate and intense hours of prayer. Traditionally Christians have observed this prayer vigil during the evening of Maundy Thursday, committing to stay awake and pray with Jesus all through the night – or for at least an hour. Many churches hold an overnight prayer vigil, asking people to sign up for an hour of prayer during the night.
Your church may not conduct a vigil, so you can hold it at your home and be there in your prayer room committing to an hour of silent prayer on Thursday night. Sit in the garden with Jesus and pray with him.
5) Pray the Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross (or Way of the Cross) is an ancient prayer that focuses on 14 stations along Jesus’ walk through Jerusalem. Many churches have 14 markers to designate these stations so you can physically walk as you pray. We do this on Good Friday, carrying a large (heavy) wooden cross, to fully experience Jesus’ final walk.
You can participate if your church (or one in your community) has a guided Stations of the Cross prayer time. Especially if you haven’t prayed the Stations of the Cross before, this time have an experience of this powerful time of prayer.
6) Fast on Good Friday
Good Friday is a traditional day of fasting in many communities. On this day as we remember the crucifixion of Jesus, it should be a day of solemn remembrance of the great sacrifice Jesus made for us. Mourn the loss, imagine a “Good Friday world” without Jesus, and take time to repent of your own sins.
Fasting can take different forms. You can completely skip eating, or maybe just have fruit or vegetable juice or light soups. Or, maybe you eat lighter and fast from social media for the day. Perhaps abstain from the world and spend the day in reflection and prayer.
7) Share the Easter Story with your Kids (or grandkids)
Share the Easter story with your children (or grandchildren). You can explain it in an appropriate manner considering the age of your children. Use Easter Eggs to tell the story to younger children.
8) Keep Saturday Solemn
Holy Saturday marks the day Jesus remained in the tomb; so keep this day solemn and observant. Turn off electronics, limit activities, and imagine a day without Jesus. Experience the deep sorrow of the disciples who must have thought that Jesus was gone forever and who hadn’t yet understood the prophecy.
9) Rejoice on Easter Sunday
Hallelujah! He is risen! Jesus overcame death and the tomb!
Rise early and watch the sunrise, the promise of a new day. Go to church as a family, celebrating Christ’s victory over death.
Attend the early morning Easter day service at church. The sunrise service is held outside, where one could watch the sunrise bring light over the darkness. The image of God’s light overshadowing the earth once again after the darkness of Good Friday.