The elements that make up the original image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, which is kept in the main altar of the Church of San Alfonso, in Rome.
This image was painted in the Byzantine style of the Church of the East by an unknown artist from Crete in the 14th or 15th century and then brought to Rome around 1495 by a merchant who removed it from a church.
The image recalls, in general terms, the care of the Virgin by Jesus from her conception until her death.
However, the official website of the “ 150th anniversary of the restoration of the icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help ” (1866-2016) demonstrates deeper meanings in the painting.
He explains that, first of all, the image of “Mary is seen, because She dominates the painting and because she looks directly at you, not at Jesus, nor at heaven, nor at the angels that are above her head”.
“His gaze brings us closer to history, makes us participants in painting and pain. Her look tells us that just as Jesus ran to his mother and found refuge, we too can run to Mary.
Regarding the eight-pointed star on her forehead, the site notes that “it was probably added by a later artist to represent the Eastern idea that Mary is the star that leads us to Jesus.”
Also, to reinforce the symbolism, there is an ornamental four-pointed cross to the left of the star on her forehead.
Apart from Mary, the painting represents a two or three-year-old Child Jesus, seated at the left hand of his Mother, with his hands squeezing her right hand. According to the official site, in the Byzantine icons, “Mary is never shown without Jesus, because Jesus is fundamental to the faith.”
“Jesus also wears the clothes of royalty. Only an emperor could wear the green tunic, red sash, and gold brocade pictured. The Greek initials to the right of the Child and his halo decorated with a cross proclaim that he is ‘Jesus Christ,’” the site continues.
It is also explained that “Jesus does not look at us, nor at Mary, nor at the angels. Although he clings to his Mother, he looks away, towards something we cannot see, something that made him run so fast towards his Mother that one of his sandals almost fell off, something that makes him cling to Her for protection and love. ”.
“Jesus has seen part of his destiny – continues the official site –: the suffering and death he will suffer. Although he is God, he is also human and he is afraid of this terrifying future. He has run to his Mother, who embraces him in this moment of panic, just as She will be at his side through his life and death. While he can’t spare him from suffering, he can love and comfort him.”
On either side of Jesus and Mary are the archangels Michael and Gabriel, carrying the instruments of the Passion. In Greek characters, the abbreviated names of the four figures are added.
On the left, Miguel holds an urn filled with gall that the soldiers offered to Jesus on the cross, the spear that pierced his side, and the cane with the sponge. On the right, Gabriel carries the cross and four nails.