Help Your Kids to Memorize Bible Verses

When you’re teaching kids faith as a part of your Sunday school curriculum and as part of life, it is amazing that they love to hear and listen to Bible stories and parables. It lasts in their memories lifelong.

Teaching kids about Jesus is more than just telling them Bible stories for kids on a Sunday morning and sending them on their way. It’s important that kids know how the stories they learn in Sunday school can apply to the rest of their lives. The best way to do it is to encourage your kids to keep Bible with them wherever they go and that would be helpful for them to memorize the scripture. Here are some ways to help your children to memorize Bible verses

From Simple to Complex 

Don’t expect that your students will be champion Bible quizzers from day one.

The achievement of remembering Bible verses is a slow process. Choose one or two short verses at a time to ensure that your kids aren’t overwhelmed. It can be selected as the age of your child and moderate its level of difficulty. Remind them that the point of the exercise isn’t to see who can recite the most from the Bible, but to retain scripture so that it comes to mind in your everyday life when you might not have a Bible on hand. Choose the easy and poetic translated versions for their easiest way of catching up.

Make a Visual Reminder

Learning is a huge process and sometimes it takes more time. For helping your kid, you can draw or arrange a visual reminder. The related images or visuals can be kept in the common places where your child is being frequently. that may enable him/her to remember and recall what she/ he has to be learned. You can remove this after learning and post the next one for time being.

Practice Together

Don’t leave the memorization entirely up to the child. Especially if Bible memorization is a new practice you’re incorporating into how you approach kids’ Bible stories, it is important that you model how to memorize.

When you first introduce the verse, it can be helpful to go over it together multiple times. Part it into four or five phrases and tell them to rejoin it in the correct way. That will keep their memory alive and they capture it unconsciously.

Create At-Home Aids

If we really want kids to remember verses, they need to have the resources to practice them at home.

The children themselves were never fond of Bible. The parents should make them do it. So, share time with them to be with Bible. Studying the Bible directly is great, but you can also empower your children to create other engaging artifacts that help them remember the verses.

Coloring and activity pages, crafts, or even a simple, printed verse on a card can be great, tangible resources to encourage to practice verses to aid memorization.

Use Hand Movements

Hand motions are a great way for kids to memorize Bible verses because it physically engages them in the process. Create simple hand motions that express the words of the verse or for an in-class activity, involve the kids in coming up with hand motions.

Memorizing the Bible is about more than just impressing others with the quality of your rote memory. Dedicating time to studying the Bible and committing it to memory helps all of us engage with the Bible deeply and keep it at the forefront of our minds when we need it most. Definitely, it will help our children to move forward confidently in their most difficult waves of lives.


Daily Reading, Saints

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