Grow in Holiness 

We are all called to live in holiness. And we also know the basic principles that help lead our lives to holiness. Above all else, strive to be close the Lord through the frequent reception of the Sacraments and be always in a state of grace. That is all well and good. But at the same time, the task can seem to be rather huge. It is much more risky than climbing a mountain or swimming across the ocean. If we get some boosters every once in a while, we can have a balanced life that leads to holiness. Here are a few tips that will help to keep your holiness in balanced condition.

Listening to the Holy Spirit

When we listen to the Holy Spirit, we follow up those slight intimations that urge us to be better. We will be able to go through life quite happily, ploughing ahead on our spiritual journey. We can advance and become someone who loves Jesus Christ. But when we truly listen to the Holy Spirit, it’s a whole different ball game!

Think of it this way, we can choose our own way to live our life (nothing wrong with that!), but be in control of the territory, keep the ball in our court… and travel well or we can throw the ball over to the Holy Spirit, let go of the control and give Him the reins. How terrifying is that!? But honestly… it’s far more exciting.


It’s nice to spout a bit of Latin every now and then. And then this one: ‘nunc coepi’ is one to keep in mind. Write it on the top of your journal or wherever you keep your plans for the day.

We all know this but there is absolutely no ideal moment to begin growing in holiness. It’s now or never. Seriously! Bite the bullet…take the dive. When you feel yourself saying “Later, tomorrow, not now”. Remind yourself that later is pretty much never. It’s dramatic, I know… but it’s kind of true! You delay and delay… and before you know it, you’ll be looking in the mirror, with your beautiful false teeth and silver-grey hair, lashing on your anti-wrinkle cream and thinking… it’s probably better tomorrow!

Sacrifice can Make Miracles 

Sacrifice can make miracles. When you lack spiritual energy or insight, try to make a little sacrifice. That is why, we always prefer sacrifices during Lent. Giving up or taking on something we find hard, purifies our intention and calls out to God in a tangible way that we trust Him and desire to be closer to Him.

When we say no to ourselves for the sake of another, our hearts are emptied of ourselves and filled with Christ. We take on Christ, we become Christ because Christ sacrificed himself for us, and we too can imitate Him in this great mission of charity by sacrificing ourselves for others, for our love for Him.

While sacrifices may not be directly related to others, they do heighten our awareness about others. We are softer in ourselves the less we give in to our comforts, and when we are softer, we are better equipped to see and attend to other people.




Daily Reading, Saints

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