“Green Lava,” was a documentary by Lia Beltrami and Ali Aksu, created in collaboration with the Dicastery for Communication, which was premiered on Saturday at the Augustinian Patristic Pontifical Institute, Rome on the evening of Saturday, January 25.as part of the Jubilee of Communication.
The film recounts Giacomo Mattivi’s journey and his battle with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Giacomo, 21-year-old, himself attended the premiere, alongside representatives from the Vatican Dicastery for Communication.
“Only those who wear glasses know how challenging it is to see through lenses fogged up by emotion,” Giacomo Mattivi joked, bringing a light-hearted moment to the otherwise intense atmosphere in the auditorium of the Augustinian Patristic Pontifical Institute.
During Saturday morning’s audience in the Paul VI Hall, Pope Francis highlighted such journalistic work, stating that it “builds society and builds the church, provided it is truthful.” The documentary tackles tough questions head-on, such as, “Why us? Why two sons?” However, their responses are transformed into relentless action, including active participation in the Shemà Association. This organization provides young people with a fresh approach to community, emphasizing selflessness and offering help where it is needed.