God Comes into the World in Littleness’: Pope Francis in Christmas Homily

Pope Francis asked faithful to remember that God did not choose to come to the world of wealth but come as a humble child born into poverty.

“Brothers and sisters, standing before the crib, we contemplate what is central, beyond all the lights and decorations … We contemplate the child. In his littleness, God is completely present,” said the Pope.

“Let us be amazed by this scandalous truth. The One who embraces the universe needs to be held in another’s arms. … Infinite love has a miniscule heart that beats softly,” Pope Francis said.

Pope Francis offered Mass for the Nativity of the Lord in St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Eve.

“Today, all is turned upside down: God comes into the world in littleness. His grandeur appears in littleness,” Pope Francis said in his homily.

“This is the challenge of Christmas: God reveals himself, but men and women fail to understand. … God lowers himself and we try to become great,” he said.

“Jesus is born in order to serve, and we spend a lifetime pursuing success. God does not seek power and might; he asks for tender love and interior littleness, ” the Pontiff said.

Daily Reading, Saints

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