Get Rid of the Anxiety of Your Work 

Are you anxious about your work? You may wake up every morning with lots of expectations in your profession. Your days also end with worries about your job. Even though you are more talented and skilled if you are more worried about your career and job, you seek the presence of God in your professional matters. Put God in every minute of your office or working times. You will be more relaxed and easy-going with your daily activities. Here is a prayer for you to recite whenever you feel anxious about your work.

O Lord, these days I feel so anxious about work. It seems like I can barely keep up with the expectations for me. And when I do, then they change. I worry that I won’t measure up. I’m afraid of falling behind, even of failing.

What will people think of me if I don’t succeed? What will I think of me? So much of my identity is wrapped up in my work, Lord. Yes, I know I should be more rooted and grounded in you and your love for me. But work is such a huge part of my life and, I admit, my sense of who I am. If I fail at work, does that mean I’m a failure as a human being?

At night, I’m awakened by these familiar fears. I can’t seem to shake them. I cry out to you for deliverance, but then I grab onto my fears even tighter. Help me!

How grateful I am for this psalm, Lord. I can relate to “this poor soul” who cried out to you because of “every trouble” (Psalm 34:5). That’s what I’m doing now, crying out to you because of all of my troubles.

Even in my anxiety, Lord, I have hope in you. You are the one who answers my prayers. You deliver me from all of my fears. Even if things at work don’t turn out as I wish, you will be with me. You will save me from despair, from self-condemnation, from shame. You will help me, once again, to taste and see that you are good.

So, dear Lord, today I take refuge in you. You are my stronghold, my safe place, my guardian, my rock. You will always be there for me. I trust that you will indeed deliver me from all my fears. Yes, Lord. You will. Amen.

Daily Reading, Saints

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