Fourth Sunday of Resurrection, Year A – Jn 10:1-10: Call to become Shepherds

Fr. Joseph Pandiappalli MCBS

By observing the sheep and the flock I could find that sheep is a simple und uncomplicated animal which would become confident with the humans very quick. It is rather easy to feed the sheep because they eat different kinds of grass, leaves, plants and hey and the requirements at feeding is simple. It is not difficult to lead the sheep because they move in groups, feel secure in their groups and follow the shepherd without hesitation. Once they happen to go away from the group they loose even the chance to survive.

Jesus compares people with sheep and flock because human beings are basically simple and uncomplicated besides their different and unique personalities. Human beings also feel secure in communities, like family, professional groups or any type of associations, organisations and communities. They like to be integrated in such groups, lead and let to lead.

During the time of Jesus leaders of people were emperor or kings who lived with every luxury and exploited and suppressed the people, and let the people even to starve. Today there are no such kings. But sometimes only the name was changed such as president, chancellor or prime minister. Their life style and way of leadership could be compared with that of ancient kings.

Jesus was unhappy with this pattern of leadership and suggests the pattern of a shepherd as model for a leader. Leader should be like a shepherd who calls the sheep with name, the sheep recognises his voice, who enter into the stable through the door and not like a thief who comes to steel and to destroy. A good shepherd gives his life for the sheep because he loves his sheep. This picture of leadership was meant at the beginning of christianity for every christian, but later it was applied more for priests and bishops. But the original application is still important and valid.

This comparison of Jesus about the Christians as sheep and Christian leaders as shepherd seem to be problematic today because many Christians hesitate to be simple and cooperative and many Christians leaders refuse to commit their lives like that of a shepherd. Instead they seem to act like the ancient kings. Today we need in the church and in the nations leaders like shepherds.

Every human being could be a sheep and a shepherd because in every human being there is the characteristic to be a sheep and also to be a shepherd. It is easy for the leader to feel like a king and claim to be a king; but to be a leader like a shepherd who offers his life for the sheep, protects and helps the sheep without expecting anything in return seem difficult. A shepherd feels to fulfil his mission when he commits himself for the sheep.

We have the freedom to decide whether we like to be a sheep and whether we like to be a shepherd or we want to be kings of ancient period. Jesus Christ is our shepherd. As his disciples we take part in the mission and ministry of Christ. therefore we are invited to become shepherds.

In every eucharistic celebration we experience the full and total dedication of Jesus, our shepherd. When we meet him at the alter and eat his body and drink his blood we receive the grace to be shepherds like Jesus. Let us ask the Lord for this grace.

Fr. Joseph Pandiappalli MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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