Many may call us to their homes for various purposes as their guests. Instead of deliberately trying to attract the attention of others wherever we go, we can focus on being good guests. Below are four suggestions that will help us to be a better guest.
1. Do not Underestimate the Welcome you Receive
Even if you have time, do not spend too much time at the host’s house. You need to know when to get out of there. That too is an art. Leaving the host’s home too early may cause your host to wonder what they did wrong. So you have to learn to handle those situations well.
2. Eat What is Served in Front of You
You often teach children to eat what is served in front of them. But adults often forget about it. No matter how much we grow up and have more freedom, knowledge and preferences about food, it’s a decent thing to eat moderately. If you have food allergies or sensitivities, it is a good idea to let your host know in advance.
3. Keep Table Manners
You may be served some of the most delicious food you have ever eaten. However, do not overeat and keep table manners. It is always advisable to maintain a moderate diet. Or you may be ridiculed in many places for that one habit. Likewise, the impression that you are a foodie is likely to spread among friends.
4. Be Humble
Never pay too much attention to costumes or jewelry during a celebration. Do not do anything just to attract the attention of others. When you visit others, try to be a selfless guest, not a selfish one.