Flowers Mentioned in the Bible 

There are many flowers mentioned in the Bible. In the Old Testament and Gospels also a variety of flowers are described. Read about the flowers and the situations that are mentioned.

Anemone (Lily of the Field)

These are the wild field flowers in Palestine. The flowers are referred by Jesus as the lilies of the field in His sermon on the mount (Mattew 6: 28-30). They are still growing near the Lake of Galilee.

Crocus or Meadow Saffron

The Saffron flower is associated with King Solomon. It is said that the flower was present in the Garden of Solomon. (Isaiah 35:1)


This flower is closely related to Holy Land.”Consider the lilies, how they grow: they labour not, neither do they spin. But I say to you, not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed like one of these.”(Luke 12:27)

Dog Chamomile

Dog chamomile is one of the flowers of the field growing in the steppes and deserts of Israel and referring to the fleeting nature of the flowers of the field as opposed to God’s eternal love. Isaiah 40:6-8,1, Peter 1:24-25.


Flax was woven into linen cloth, including that used as Jesus’ burial cloth. “They took the body of Jesus and wrapped it with the spices in linen cloths, according to the burial custom of the Jews.” Also the “smoking flax” refers to two or waste flax used as lamp wicks. Isaiah 19:9, John 19:40



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