Fifth Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year A – Mt 5:13-16: You are the Salt of the Earth

Fr. Joseph Pandiappalli MCBS

One of the very popular book of Pope Benedict XVI has the title: “Salt of the Earth“.  This book having around 300 pages is an interview of the Journalist Peter Seewald with Cardinal Ratzinger in 1998. In this book Cardinal Ratzinger answers to different questions of Peter Seewald on Church and Christianity at the turn of the Millennium. The title is appropriate to the content of the book because Pope Benedict XVI’s concept of the Church as people of God is conceived as the salt of the earth. In other words the people of God is the salt of the earth.

Today’s Gospel is a part of the Sermon on the Mount. After choosing his disciples Jesus began to preach and teach. The Sermon on the Mount belongs to his important messages. The Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount as the Magna Cara of the messages of Jesus is applicable to every people anywhere. After the Beatitudes Jesus started to talk to his disciples as the chosen people from among many and told them: “You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.” These words of Jesus are applicable not only to the disciples of that time, but to the disciples of Jesus today also. We can say as Christians: We are the salt of the earth. We are the light of the wolrd.

Salt is used to flavor food. Salt is used to preserve food too. Light is to kindle and to set up on a candlestick and not to put a bowl over it. Christians are called to be the salt in order to flavor the society and to be light in order to burn and give light to many. Salt provides taste and if salt has no flavor it is thrown to thrash. In the darkness light is necessary. We are not supposed to be salt without flavour. We are not supposed to be light under bowl. Salt contains minarals too. Light is necessary for preserving life. Without light life will not sustain.

The Jews had used salt in the temple. It is written in the book of Exodus. “Using the usual techniques of the incense maker, blend the spices together and sprinkle them with salt to produce a pure and holy incense.“ In the Old Testament both patries consumed salt after making a contract or agreement as symbol of stability and steadiness. In this context of the Old Testament we are invited to keep stability and steadiness in our effort to be the salt of the earth.

Some times I think why did not Jesus say: you are the sugar of the eart. Every one like sugar. I think there is a big different between sugar and salt. We need salt and like salt, but we do not like too much salt. When it is very salty we do not like the food. Normally we do not eat too much salt. In the case of sugar many consume too much sugar. We do not have the natural instinct to limit the use of sugar as we have in the case of salt.  Our faith is like the salt and light. A little bit light is enough to enlighten many.

When Jesus says, you are the salt of the earth, He is telling us that we are all very important individuals for the Christian community as slat is important for providing flavor and taste. Similar is regarding the designation as light. When some one suddenly become blind it knows better, how important is light. If some one has to go on foot in the dark night without light, it knows better how important is light. In the experience of dark night of the soul due to different problems, loneliness, betrayal and tensions one knows how important is a small light of faith, love, friendship and loyalty. We are the light of the world means we are important for the wolrd. Light shows the way, light illuminates. As light we are called to show the way for many. By providing our assistance and helping with our wisdom we are becoming light for many.

The most popular designation about Jesus is that he was a man for others. Even his enemies have accepted and recognised this designation about Jesus. Jesus said: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.“ Jesus himself practiced what he taught.

We are invited to become salt of the earth and light of the world in the manner Jesus himself was, namely a human for others and let us shine before others as light through our good work. Salt, light, good work, glory are some of the keywords of today’s Gospel. All these key words designate the person, mission and ministry of Jesus. Jesus applies all these keywords and key concept to his followers of every age and empowered them to participate in mystery, mission and ministry of Jesus. Let us be the salt of the earth! Let us be the light of the world!

Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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