Fathers can Become the Spiritual Heroes Before the Kids 

Both the parents, father, and mother,  play an equal role in the faith and spiritual training of children. This can never be forgotten. But often the responsibility of raising children in the faith goes solely to the mother or the wife. But do not forget that children, along with their fathers, set an example of faith.

There are many ways for mothers to raise their children in the faith. So is it the father’s responsibility?  Here are some suggestions fathers can do to instill confidence in their children:

1. Pray with Children

It is often said by fathers: ‘Did you pray? I may come soon. But for children who hear this, the thought is that prayer is something to be done after a rush. Moreover, when the father, who is the most important person in the house, does this, the child may wonder why he is not there. Therefore, giving such utensils to children can be avoided. When you are at home, you can sit with the children and participate in the evening prayer.

2. Stay with Family Whenever you Have Time

Every child wants his father and mother to be with him. So try to be with your family and children during rush hour and listen to what they have to say. At the same time, they should try to pay special attention to their spirituality.

3. Tell your Children how much you Love Them

Children need to experience true love from their father and mother. Otherwise, they may go after the vain love that the world gives them. So you need to convince them of your love. It’s not just about buying everything they need. Rather, it should be through loving correction and closeness.

4. Take the Rosary in your Hand

Children who see their fathers praying the rosary daily and attending the Holy Mass will never deviate from the path of faith. The rosary gives great strength to the family. Children who are fascinated by the image of their father reciting the rosary will not be discouraged by the crises that may arise in their lives. When there are problems, they run to God through the rosary and Holy Mother.


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