Being a parent of young children is definitely hard. As a thankless position, you should enjoy your moments with your kids.
Understanding as they are blessing from God, a beautiful gift of His grace that you could never deserve but can only profoundly thank him for His goodness in giving to you.
But it’s hard to keep this in your memory all the time. And of course, it’s not possible to enjoy every minute. But even when it’s hard, hold onto knowing that my children are not a burden but the greatest of blessings.
It’s understandable why some parents complain so much about their young children. One of the many tragic pitfalls of our individualistic era is that young adults are pretty much never around little kids until they have their own.
But here is a fact the more we enjoy being around our children when they are little, the more they will enjoy being around us when we are old.
They are learning from us and imitating us. When we model being patient and understanding and interested in them, even though they are so very different from us, they learn to treat us the same way in return. Here are some ways to take
- Use your Imagination
It is good that you enjoy the moments with your children imagining that you have come back in time from old age to today.
You just think about your childhood days and be like that when you share time with them. Think I’m the best person on earth, and we can snuggle, read stories, and sing songs all day without them ever getting tired of it.
2. Gratitude
The words we say affect what we think and feel. So try to say things like this to my kids …
“I love to help you! It’s not a problem for me.”
“I love when you tell me what you’re thinking. The things you come up with are so interesting!”
“I love watching you play.”
“I love seeing what you make.”
“I’m so happy I get to spend this whole day with you!”
“I must be the luckiest mama in the world to have you for my little girl/boy.”
3. Do Enjoyable things with Kids
A big secret to enjoying our kids is spending time with them doing things that we genuinely enjoy. You might not have an interest in sports but may be interested in cooking and baking. Do it with them, make art with them, and read lots of books with them.
4. Listen to Moms who Act as Role Models
You can listen to role model moms always. You can take tips from them regarding the most frustrating moments in your parenthood. Do not think that I’m the only person ever to deal with this issue. I even try to see the humor in my kids’ uproarious antics, although often it takes a little time before I can really appreciate the funny side of these things!