Easter: The Feast of New Hope

The resurrection of Lord Jesus is a historic event. Yet it is a mystery of faith that surpasses and transcends history as His humanity enters into the glory of God at the resurrection of Jesus. That is why the risen Christ did not reveal Himself to the world, but revealed Himself to the disciples and made them his witnesses before the people. Christian who firmly believes in the resurrection of Jesus that we have heard through his disciples. The resurrection of Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith.

Death is the most feared enemy of man. The resurrection of Christ set free those who had been enslaved to death for fear of death. God ultimately defeated death and the power of evil. Jesus, the God of peace, overcame death and rose from the dead. The Risen One wished peace to the disciples and to the whole world in His first appearance. It is this peace of God that sanctifies us. Jesus appears and wishes peace to those who love him deeply. The heart will burn with the love of God. The eyes will be opened. The resurrected one can see and understand. Forty days after the resurrection, Christ appeared to His disciples and taught them about the kingdom of God (Acts 1-3), so they must understand the resurrection by heart.

The modern world is moving with the flow of its own worldliness. There is no specific goal or hope. We can see some sort of eagerness to achieve many things. The illusion that anything can be done for it. A world where human values ​​have no value. A generation that does not value morality.

We are living in a society that treats each other with hostility. Enemies are ready to fight each other. A large stockpile of weapons and ammunition are there with each country. Those who are ready to attack if given the opportunity. Here the community lives in fear. That new generation is growing with nothing to look forward to. Sin and evil abound. In such a situation the resurrection of the Lord gives us a new perspective and a new hope. The experience of peace that knowledge or material resources cannot provide can be obtained from the risen Lord.

The Christian life is a personal encounter with the risen Christ. The disciples of Christ, St. Peter, St. John, St. Thomas , St. Paul and others have personally experienced this encounter. It was from this experience that they proclaimed God. Those who listened to this proclamation became capable of living for Christ and others with dedication.

We must be able to care for and support others with us. We must be interested in making our surroundings prosperous in our prosperity. May all subsequent actions be in the way of mercy. May the joy of the gospel be spread throughout our land. We can move forward without giving up hope.

The resurrection of the Lord is, what makes this worldly life meaningful and enables us to move forward with hope. This resurrection is the heart and foundation of our lives and our faith. The sufferings and resurrection of the Lord help us to bear all the experiences and sufferings of this worldly life. The lack of mutual love and peace we see today is transformed into love and peace through the resurrection of the Lord. God sent the Holy Spirit to us. With the goal of peace for those who receive this Holy Spirit. When we are empowered to receive the Holy Spirit with fervent preparation and prayer, we cannot help but proclaim God’s peace to the whole world. The proclamation that Jesus Christ is risen and truly risen is that we, as Christians, can pray for the peace of the Risen One to spread throughout the world.

Daily Reading, Saints

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