Today we proclaim together with the Christian community around the world: “Christ is Risen, Alleluia!” The Resurrection of Jesus is the focal point of our Christian life and this event has permanently changed the human horizon. Through his resurrection, Jesus has unlocked the gates of death and has given us a new and authentic life that cannot be destroyed by death anymore. Our life on earth is more meaningful and hopeful because Jesus defeated death by his resurrection.
After the 1917 Communist Revolution in Russia, the authorities tried to destroy faith by promoting atheistic beliefs. They introduced compulsory classes for the people where Christianity is ridiculed while non-belief is praised. In one of such classes, the teacher proclaimed to the peasants of a village: “There is no God and now we can all leave peacefully.” Then he asked: “Do you have any questions?” The priest of that village stood up and said: “I don’t have a question but I just want to say, Christ is risen!” And all the people rose to their feet and responded in a loud voice: “He is risen indeed!”.
Listen to the words of the angels to the women who were searching for the body of Jesus in the tomb: “You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen, he is not here” (Mk 16:6). Jesus does not remain in the tomb but is among those who are alive with a new life. Because of that new life, he assumed, he is present in our community at this moment. God has come near to us in Jesus and has done something unique that gives a new shape and meaning to our lives. His incarnation allowed humanity to see him in a bodily form two thousand years ago. But his resurrection gives us the possibility to see him beyond time and space.
The life of Jesus is truly represented by the Pascal candle which we light every year on Easter Vigil. Its flame generates both light and heat. The Pascal candle produces light but hides from us the story of its painful burning. In the same way, the Cross of Jesus is behind the joy of resurrection. Jesus opens a new door of love, healing, and life through his resurrection from the tomb. During the liturgy, we proclaim in a loud voice: Lumen Christi – the light of Christ. Then each one of us lighted the candles in our hands from the light that originated from the Pascal candle. It invites us to reflect on the life of Christ in this world especially when there is so much darkness.
The famous English writer G. K. Chesterton describes the early Christians as having a special key in their hands. This key was their faith in the Risen Lord. As custodians of this special key “they had the power to unlock the prison of the whole world, and let in the white daylight of liberty.” But the Christian community has handed over this special key to the next generation. Today, we are the keepers of this key and if we are willing to use it we can open the doors to a life in Christ. In the same way, we are called to transmit this key to the younger generation so that they may benefit from a life in Christ.
Jesus’ resurrection is the source and principle of our future resurrection to eternal life. Our faith in the risen Lord should transform our lives. All those who have witnessed the resurrection have received a solemn commission. We pray and hope that with the help of Jesus, who defeated darkness and death, we will be able to overcome our struggles. Let us rejoice again that our Lord is risen from the dead. Let us also make ourselves worthy of receiving a share in his resurrection by inheriting eternal life.
Rev. Dr. Mathew Charthakuzhiyil