Do you Feel Fatigued? Then Pray to the Holy Mother

Archbishop Jorge Solorzano Perez of Nicaragua made a pilgrimage to the Church of Our Lady of Fatima. At that time he prayed for the country and for the strengthening of the Church before the statue of the Holy Mother. The Prelate asked that this conversation with his mother be given in the form of a prayer. It’s his prayer that he’s specifically asked the Blessed Mother to strengthen the church.

This prayer can be said when we are surrounded by difficulties in our daily lives and when we feel that our strength is diminishing.

Prayer to Mother Fatima

Immaculate Mother, never allow me to faint. Please support me even when my strength seems to have waned in the face of life’s crises. Please consider this my special request. I do not know what to do.

Even if my activities break down and I have to restart them all, dear mother, do not make me even a little tired. May I always be as determined and smiling as my mother. May I also be able to help others in their needs. Bless me to fix the eyes of my Spirit on the heart of your Son.

Dear Mom, don’t let me down. May He comfort me in my distress, give me strength for my hands and feet, and give me the strength of confidence in my mind. Holy Mother, I beg you once again not to let me get discouraged. Amen.

Daily Reading, Saints

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