Do not be Afraid of Temptation! This is the Suggestion Given by St. Padre Pio

Saint Padre Pio was a man who was constantly battling the forces of evil. Through it, he was able to recognize how the prince of darkness works. He also wanted to educate his spiritual children about it.

In a letter to Ventrella sisters in 1916, he offered words of consolation to those who feared temptation. In it, he conveys an important message, that there is no need to be afraid of screaming Satan standing outside. Rather, it means confronting Satan, who enters in and unites us. We need to fight and defeat the forces of evil that fill us inside without fear. It is God who gives the fighting spirit for this. Because we are so precious to him. Moreover, His mercy envelops us.

When we resist temptation, we face the same agony that Jesus endured in the wilderness, in the Garden of Gethsemane, and in the Holy Cross. But Satan’s evil intentions must be thwarted by a strong fight.


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