Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus- Day 08

“The Sacred Heart of Jesus is adorable in itself, not only as the living symbol of His human-divine love but, also, as part of His most holy humanity, insofar as it is hypostatically united to the divinity of the Word.

We should, therefore, pay very special homage to the Sacred Heart.
It is the Heart of the God-Man and, as such, is worthy of our highest adoration.
Its sentiments harmonised mysteriously with the human will and, at the same time, with the divine Will of the Incarnate Word of God.
Every throb, was a token of an infinite love which we could never fully understand, for we cannot properly “know Christ’s love which surpasses knowledge” (Eph 3:19).
But, we should adore this love as represented by the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Adoration is not an act of idolatry.
On the contrary, it is a fitting act of worship, because, its object is the Heart of the God-Man and, of the human-divine love of which it is the symbol.
Moreover, we owe the Sacred Heart of Jesus, all our gratitude and a return of love.

Let us reflect on how much Jesus has done for us and how much He has loved us.
Let us consider, not only the general work of Redemption and the supernatural gifts and graces connected with it but, also, the particular favours which we received from our childhood, up to the present moment.
He has bound us to His Heart by a loving chain of graces and of mercies!
How could we dare to break this chain, or ignore such love?
Love demands love in return.
Favours demand gratitude.
It would be disastrous for us to display indifference and coldness, or, worse still, to respond to such great love, by committing new offences!”

Antonio Cardinal Bacci

Daily Reading, Saints

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