“All devotions which have been approved by the Church are valuable because they are acts of religion which have as their object, the author of all holiness and source of all goodness.
By these acts, God is adored, thanked and supplicated by His children who have been redeemed by the Precious Blood of Christ.
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin and to the Saints, is also directed, ultimately, towards God, Who has endowed His faithful servants, especially the Mother of Jesus, with His gifts and graces and has established them as mediators by His Throne.
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, however, is not one of the many pious practices merely permitted or recommended by the Church.
Fundamentally, it is a devotion which is essential for any Christians, insofar, as it is the cult of the love of God made man for our sakes.
We know that Christianity is the religion of love.
“God is love and he who abides in love, abides in God and God in him” (1 Jn 4:16).
Everything flows from God’s love for mankind – both the Creation and the Redemption, for God created us out of love and redeemed us with the love of His only-begotten Son Who became man and died for us and, both the Old and the New Law, for the basis of the Old Law was “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength,” (Deut 6:4) and the commandment of charity, was called by Jesus His own commandment, on which His entire teaching was based.
The Sacraments, especially the Blessed Eucharist, have their origin in the same infinite love.
So have the graces which God gives us, our justification, through the merits of our Redeemer and the final reward for which we hope in Heaven.
Devotion to the Sacred Heart is the worship of this infinite love, of which, it is a living symbol.”
Antonio Cardinal Bacci