Deepen Spiritual Life, Making Friendship with Jesus

We ​​often feel sluggish in our spiritual life. We do pray, but not experience the presence of God. Sometimes, we do not feel to pray. Many crises, such as fatigue, diseases can affect our spiritual life. The seventeenth-century monk Brother Lawrence tells us how to cope with such situations.

The most important way he suggests overcoming all the problems and crises we experience in the spiritual life is to accept Jesus as a close friend. A close friend who stays with us throughout our day-to-day activities, trips, work and sleep. If we consider Jesus as such a friend, our whole life will become a prayer.

As we approach a friend with whom we can never part, we run to Jesus with the same intensity. Then our prayers will turn into a friendly conversation. The intense desire to cling to that ego will keep us away from the world of error and evil. Thus in life with Jesus – there will be no boredom or crisis in prayer and we will be guided by the desire to be with that loving Jesus who has always loved us.

Once we accept Jesus as our friend or soulmate, we will not have to seek the help of anyone else to love, correct us, and lead us to goodness in this world. Because Jesus does not tolerate being misled by someone who loves him sincerely. He will take them by the hand and protect them from all dangers, both spiritual and physical.


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