17 January 2022 Mark 2:18-22
Monday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time
Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? (Mk 2:19)
John the Baptist and Jesus represent two eras or periods of salvation history, Old Testament and New Testament. Jesus is the bridegroom and the wedding guests are the disciples. John preached the baptism of repentance and urged people to fast as a form of penance and purification in preparing the people for the arrival of the bridegroom, Jesus.
The new wine is Jesus’ presence among them. Now the bridegroom is with them and so to be sorrowing or fasting would be ridiculous, but rather it is time for them to rejoice and be happy. By rejoicing, the gospel does not intend to eat, drink and to make merry, but to rejoice in spirit and to be happy.
The Gospel invites us to celebrate the presence of the Lord’s presence amidst us. Amen.