15 January 2022 Mark 2:13-17
Saturday of the 1st Week in Ordinary Time
“He got up and followed him” V. 14
‘Getting up’ is a gesture commonly used in the bible to signify forgetting the past to face the future. For example,
- Leave ‘old wine skins’ to accept ‘new wine’.
- You cannot love God and Mammon (Mt. 6:24)
Levi stood up from his customs post (he forgot his past) and followed him (facing the future). Discipleship is such an experience that we cannot live a worldly life and at the same time remain Christian (because worldly life and Christian are contradictory).
Discipleship demands renunciation or leaving behind. To ‘get up’ from our attachments to external things like house, car and money would be easier while ‘getting up’ from our inner attachments like thought patterns, preferences, judgments, resentments, hatred, memories and fantasies etc. would be really hard. Amen.