Daily Gospel: Christian Luminosity

27 January 2022 Mark 4:21-25

Thursday of the 3rd Week in ordinary Time 


“Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand? (Mark 4:21).

The parable of lamp and lampstand is a reminder of the importance of sharing the light of faith received from the Word of God

  1. Lamp’ symbolizes the word of God as it is experienced by the psalmist, “Your word is a lamp for my steps and light for my path” (Ps 119:105).
  2. Light’ is about spiritual light symbolizing the ‘light of faith’ emerging from the word of God.
  3. Lampstand’ symbolizes my life which is destined to shine forth the word of God.

Where would people place lamps? Jesus speaks of three options: (1) under a bushel basket, (2) under a bed, (3) on a lamp stand.

1. Under the bushel basket: It is a container, normally made out of wood, for collecting and carrying things. It represents people’s preoccupation with the collection of possessions, wealth and money. Refers to the deprioritizing of Word of God to things of this world.

2. Under the bed: Bed is a place of comfort and rest which can symbolize spiritual laziness. Refers to deprioritizing the Word of God to pleasure and lure of the word. It points to people who do not want to see the dark areas of life being illumined by Word of God.

3. On a lamp stand: Word of God shining forth through my Christian life. Amen.

Daily Reading, Saints

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