Pope Francis held the traditional meeting with the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See at the beginning of the year, after the Christmas holidays, in which he gave a speech focused on the demand for peace and the denunciation of the situations that threaten:
Excellencies, and gentlemen:
I am pleased to receive you this morning to greet you personally and congratulate you on the new year. I particularly thank His Excellency Ambassador George Poulides, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, for his kind words that express very well the concerns of the international community at the beginning of a year for which we would like peace and which, however, begins under the sign of conflicts and divisions.
I also take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment to promoting relations between the Holy See and your countries. Last year, our “diplomatic family” expanded even further thanks to the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Sultanate of Oman and the appointment of the first Ambassador, present here.
At the same time, I wish to recall that the Holy See has proceeded with the appointment of a Resident Pontifical Representative in Hanoi, after, last July, the relative Agreement on the status of the Pontifical Representative was concluded with Vietnam, to continue together the path traveled until now, under the sign of reciprocal respect and trust, thanks to frequent relations at the institutional level and the collaboration of the local Church.
In 2023, the Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement between the Holy See and Kazakhstan on mutual relations of September 24, 1998, which streamlines the presence and service of pastoral agents in the country, was also ratified; and it has also been an occasion to celebrate four significant anniversaries: the centenary of diplomatic relations with the Republic of Panama, the seventieth anniversary of relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the sixtieth anniversary of those established with the Republic of Korea and the fiftieth anniversary of relations with Australia.
Dear ambassadors:
There is a word that resonates in a particular way in the two main Christian festivals. We hear it in the song of the angels who announced the birth of the Savior in the night and we hear it in the voice of the risen Jesus. It is the word “peace”. Peace is first of all a gift from God: it is He who leaves us his peace (cf. Jn 14:27), but at the same time it is our responsibility:
“Blessed are those who work for peace” (Mt 5:9). A word so fragile and at the same time so compromising and dense with meaning. I would like to dedicate our reflection today to her, at a historical moment in which she is increasingly threatened, weakened and partly lost. On the other hand, it is the task of the Holy See, within the international community, to be a prophetic voice and a call to conscience.
On the Christmas Eve of 1944, Pius XII delivered a famous Radio Message to the people of the entire world. The Second World War was approaching its end, after more than five years of conflict, and humanity, the Pontiff said, felt “an increasingly clear and firm will emerges in an ever-growing phalanx of noble spirits: to do of this world war, of this universal disruption, the starting point of a new era, for profound renewal”.
Eighty years later, the push for that “deep renewal” seems to have ended and the world is being traversed by a growing number of conflicts that are slowly transforming what I have often defined as “Third World War in pieces” into a true conflict of its own. global.
I cannot in this office not reaffirm my concern for what is happening in Israel and Palestine. We have all been shocked by the terrorist attack against the people of Israel on October 7, in which so many innocent people were injured, tortured and murdered in atrocious ways and in which many others were taken hostage. I repeat my condemnation for that action and for any form of terrorism and extremism. This is not how controversies between peoples can be resolved, in fact they make them more difficult, causing suffering for everyone. What it provoked was a strong Israeli military response in Gaza that has led to the death of tens of thousands of Palestinians, mostly civilians, including many children, adolescents and young people, and has caused a very serious humanitarian situation with unimaginable suffering.
I reiterate my call to all parties involved to agree to a ceasefire on all fronts, including in Lebanon, and for the immediate release of all hostages in Gaza.
I ask that the Palestinian population receive humanitarian aid and that hospitals, schools and places of worship have all the necessary protection.
I trust that the international community will vigorously promote a two-state solution, one Israeli and one Palestinian, as well as an internationally guaranteed special status for the City of Jerusalem, so that Israelis and Palestinians can finally live in peace and security.
The current conflict in Gaza further destabilizes a fragile and tension-ridden region. In particular, we must not forget the Syrian people, who live in economic and political instability, aggravated by the earthquake last February. May the international community encourage the parties involved to engage in constructive and serious dialogue and to seek new solutions so that the Syrian people do not have to continue suffering due to international sanctions. Furthermore, I express my suffering for the millions of Syrian refugees who are still in neighboring countries, such as Jordan or Lebanon.
To the latter I direct a particular thought, expressing concern for the social and economic situation in which the beloved Lebanese people are mired, with the hope that the institutional stagnation that is prostrating them even more will be resolved and the country of the cedars will soon have a president.
Continuing with the Asian continent, I wish to draw the attention of the international community also to Myanmar, asking that everything possible be done to give hope to that land and a dignified future to the young generations, without forgetting the humanitarian emergency that still hits the Rohingya.
Along with these complex situations, there is no shortage of signs of hope, which I have been able to experience during my trip to Mongolia, to whose authorities I renew my gratitude for the welcome they gave me. Likewise, I would like to thank the Hungarian authorities for their hospitality during my visit to the country last April. It was a trip to the heart of Europe, where history and culture breathe and where I experienced the warmth of many people, but I also perceived the proximity of a conflict that we would not have imagined possible in 21st century Europe.
Unfortunately, after almost two years of large-scale war by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the desired peace has not yet managed to find a place in minds and hearts, despite the very numerous victims and enormous destruction. A conflict that is becoming more and more gangrenous cannot be allowed to continue, to the detriment of millions of people, but it is necessary to put an end to the ongoing tragedy through negotiations, respecting international law.
I also express concern about the tense situation in the South Caucasus between Armenia and Azerbaijan, urging the parties to reach the signing of a peace treaty. It is urgent to find a solution to the dramatic humanitarian situation of the inhabitants of that region, to encourage the return of the displaced to their homes legally and safely, as well as to respect the places of worship of the different religious denominations present in the area. These steps may contribute to the creation of a climate of trust between the two countries given the long-desired peace.
If we now turn our gaze to Africa, we have before our eyes the suffering of millions of people due to the multiple humanitarian crises that affect several sub-Saharan countries, due to international terrorism, complex socio-political problems, and the devastating effects of climate change, to which are added the consequences of military coups d’état in some countries and certain electoral processes characterized by corruption, intimidation and violence.
At the same time, I renew my call for serious commitment by all parties involved in the implementation of the November 2022 Pretoria Agreement, which ended the fighting in the Tigray region, and for the search for peaceful solutions to the tensions and violence that overwhelm Ethiopia; as well as for dialogue, peace and stability between the countries of the Horn of Africa.
I would also like to remember the dramatic events in Sudan where unfortunately, after months of civil war, there is still no way out; as well as the situations of displaced people in Cameroon, Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan. I precisely had the joy of visiting these last two countries at the beginning of last year, to bring a sign of closeness to their suffering populations, although in different contexts and situations.
I sincerely thank the authorities of both countries for the organizational commitment and the welcome they gave me. The trip to South Sudan had an ecumenical character, as I was accompanied by the Archbishop of Canterbuy and the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, as a testimony to the commitment that our ecclesial communities share for peace and reconciliation.
Although there are no open wars in the Americas, there are strong tensions between some countries, for example, between Venezuela and Guyana, while in others, such as Peru, we observe polarization phenomena that undermine social harmony and weaken democratic institutions.
The situation in Nicaragua also remains worrying; It is a crisis that has been going on for a long time with painful consequences for the entire Nicaraguan society, particularly for the Catholic Church. The Holy See never ceases to invite diplomatic dialogue that respects the good of Catholics and the entire population.
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen:
Behind this picture that I have wanted to sketch briefly and without claiming to be exhaustive, there is a world that is increasingly torn apart, but above all there are millions of people – men, women, fathers, mothers, children – whose faces are for the most part unknown to us. generally unknown and often forgotten.
On the other hand, modern wars no longer take place only on delimited battlefields, nor do they only affect soldiers. In a context in which a distinction between military and civilian objectives no longer appears to be observed, no conflict does not end in some way by indiscriminately hitting the civilian population. The events in Ukraine and Gaza are clear proof of this. We must not forget that serious violations of international humanitarian law are war crimes, and that it is not enough to demonstrate them, but it is necessary to prevent them. Therefore, a greater commitment is required from the international community to safeguard and implement humanitarian law, which seems to be the only way to protect human dignity in situations of war.
At the beginning of the year, the exhortation of the Second Vatican Council, in Gaudium et Spes, resonates with all its relevance: “There are several international treaties on war and its problems, signed by many nations so that military operations and their consequences are less inhumane […]. These treaties must be fulfilled; What’s more, everyone, especially public authorities and experts in these matters, are obliged to seek their improvement as much as they can, so that the cruelty of wars can be better and more effectively mitigated.”
We may not realize that civilian casualties are not “collateral damage”; They are men and women with names and surnames who lose their lives. They are children who are orphaned and deprived of a future. They are people who suffer from hunger, thirst and cold or who are mutilated due to the power of modern weapons. If we were able to look each of them in the eyes, to call them by name and to evoke their personal history, we would see the war for what it is: just an immense tragedy and “a useless massacre”, which It hits the dignity of every person on this earth.
On the other hand, wars can continue thanks to the enormous availability of weapons. It is necessary to apply a disarmament policy, because it is illusory to think that weapons have a deterrent value. Rather the opposite occurs; The availability of weapons encourages their use and increases their production. Guns create mistrust and divert resources. How many lives could be saved with the resources that are allocated today to weapons? Wouldn’t it be better to invest in true global security?
The challenges of our time transcend borders, as demonstrated by the various crises that characterize the beginning of the century: food, environmental, economic and health. At this headquarters, I reiterate the proposal to establish a Global Fund to eliminate hunger once and for all and promote sustainable development for the entire planet.
Among the threats caused by such instruments of death, I cannot fail to mention that caused by nuclear arsenals and the development of increasingly sophisticated and destructive devices. I reiterate once again the immorality of manufacturing and possessing nuclear weapons. In this regard, I express the hope that negotiations can be resumed as soon as possible for the resumption of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action – better known as the “Agreement on the Iran Nuclear Program” – to guarantee a safer future for all.
However, to achieve peace, it is not enough to eliminate the instruments of war, it is necessary to root out the causes of wars, the first of all is hunger, a plague that still affects entire areas of the earth today, while in Others there is considerable food waste. There is also the exploitation of natural resources, which enriches a few, leaving entire populations, who would be the natural beneficiaries of those resources, in misery and poverty. To a certain extent, the exploitation of people can be connected to this cause, forced to work underpaid and without real prospects for professional growth.
Natural and environmental disasters are also among the causes of conflict. There are certainly disasters that the hand of man cannot control. I think of the recent earthquakes in Morocco and China, which have caused hundreds of victims, as well as the one that hit Turkey and part of Syria hard, leaving behind a tremendous trail of death and destruction. I also think of the flood that hit Derna in Libya, effectively destroying the city, also due to the simultaneous collapse of two dams.
There are, however, disasters that are also attributable to human action or negligence and that seriously contribute to the current climate crisis, such as the deforestation of the Amazon, which is the “green lung” of the earth.
The climate and environmental crisis has been the theme of the XXVIII Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), held in Dubai last month, which I regret not having been able to attend in person. That began coinciding with the World Meteorological Organization’s announcement that 2023 was the hottest year on record, compared to the previous 174 years. The climate crisis requires an increasingly urgent response and requires the full involvement of everyone, as well as the entire international community.
The adoption of the final document at COP28 represents a stimulating step and reveals that, in the face of the multiple crises we are experiencing, there is the possibility of revitalizing multilateralism through the management of the global climate issue, in a world in which Environmental, social and political problems are closely intertwined. At COP28 it has become clear that the current decade is the decisive one to confront climate change. The care of creation and peace “are the most pressing problems and are interrelated”.
I hope, therefore, that what was agreed in Dubai will lead to “a decisive acceleration towards the ecological transition, through forms that […] are carried out in four fields: energy efficiency, renewable sources, the elimination of fuels fossils and education to lifestyles less dependent on the latter”.
Wars, poverty, the abuse of our common home and the continuous exploitation of its resources, which are at the origin of natural disasters, are also causes that push thousands of people to leave their homeland in search of a future of peace. and security. On their journey they put their lives at risk due to dangerous routes, such as in the Sahara desert, in the Darién jungle, on the border between Colombia and Panama; in Central America, in northern Mexico, on the border with the United States and, above all, in the Mediterranean Sea.
Unfortunately, this last route has become a large cemetery in the last decade, with tragedies that continue to occur, also due to unscrupulous human traffickers. Among the numerous victims, let us not forget, there are many unaccompanied minors.
The Mediterranean should rather be a laboratory of peace, a “place where different countries and realities meet based on the common humanity that we all share”, as I was able to point out in Marseille, during my trip—through which I thank the organizers and the French authorities, on the occasion of the Mediterranean meetings. In the face of this enormous tragedy we easily end up closing our hearts, entrenching ourselves behind the fear of an “invasion.” We easily forget that these are people with faces and names and we overlook the vocation of Mare Nostrum, which is to be a place of meeting and mutual enrichment between people, peoples and cultures. This does not mean that migration has to be regulated to welcome, promote, accompany and integrate migrants, with respect for the culture, sensitivity and security of the populations that are responsible for reception and integration. On the other hand, it is also necessary to remember the right to be able to remain in one’s homeland and the consequent need to create the conditions so that this right can truly be put into practice.
Faced with this challenge, no country can be left alone and none can think of addressing the issue in isolation through more restrictive and repressive legislation, sometimes approved under the pressure of fear or in search of an electoral consensus. I therefore welcome the commitment of the European Union to seek a common solution through the adoption of the new Pact on Migration and Asylum, while pointing out some of its limitations, especially regarding the recognition of the right to asylum and the danger of arbitrary detention.
Dear Ambassadors:
The path to peace requires respect for life, for all human life, starting with that of the unborn child, which cannot be suppressed or turned into a commercial product. In this sense, I consider the practice of so-called surrogacy to be deplorable, which seriously offends the dignity of women and children; and is based on the exploitation of the mother’s situation of material need. A child is always a gift and never the object of a contract. Therefore, I call for the international community to commit to universally prohibiting this practice. At every moment of its existence, human life must be preserved and protected, although I note, with regret, especially in the West, the persistent spread of a culture of death that, in the name of false compassion, discards children, elderly and the sick.
The path to peace requires respect for human rights, according to the simple but clear formulation contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, whose 75th anniversary we recently celebrated. These are rationally evident and commonly accepted principles. Unfortunately, the attempts that have occurred in recent decades to introduce new rights, not entirely compatible with those originally defined and not always acceptable, have given rise to ideological colonizations, among which gender theory occupies a central place, which is extremely dangerous because it erases the differences in its claim to make everyone equal. Such ideological colonizations cause wounds and divisions between States, instead of favoring the construction of peace.
Dialogue, for its part, must be the soul of the international community. The current situation is also due to the weakening of the structures of multilateral diplomacy that emerged after the Second World War. Those organizations that were created to promote security, peace and cooperation are no longer able to bring together all their members around the same table. There is a risk of a “monadology” and fragmentation into clubs that only admit States considered ideologically related. Even those organizations, until now effective, focused on the common good and technical issues, run the risk of being paralyzed due to ideological polarizations as they are instrumentalized by some States.
To relaunch a common commitment to the service of peace, it is necessary to recover the roots, spirit and values that gave rise to these organizations, while taking into account the new context and paying due attention to those who do not feel adequately represented. by the structures of international organizations.
Of course, dialogue requires patience, perseverance and listening skills, however, when a sincere attempt is made to end discord, significant results can be achieved. I think, for example, of the Belfast Agreement, also known as the Good Friday Agreement, signed by the British and Irish governments, whose 25th anniversary was commemorated last year. This putting an end to thirty years of violent conflict can be taken as an example to incite and stimulate the authorities to believe in peace processes, despite the difficulties and sacrifices they require.
The path to peace goes through political and social dialogue, as it is the basis of civil coexistence in a modern political community. In 2024 elections will be called in many States. Elections are a fundamental moment in the life of a country, as they allow all citizens to responsibly choose their rulers. The words of Pius XII resonate today more than ever: “Express his opinion on the duties and sacrifices imposed on him; not being forced to obey without having been heard: these are two rights of the citizen that find in democracy, as its very name indicates, the expression of it. By the solidity, harmony and good fruits of this contact between citizens and the State government, it is possible to recognize whether a democracy is truly healthy and balanced, and what its life and development force is”.
Therefore, it is important that citizens, especially the younger generations who will be called to the polls for the first time, feel that it is their main responsibility to contribute to the construction of the common good, through free and informed participation in voting. On the other hand, politics must always be understood not as the appropriation of power, but as the “highest form of charity” and, therefore, of service to others within a local and national community.
The path to peace also passes through interreligious dialogue, which requires above all the protection of religious freedom and respect for minorities. It pains us, for example, to see that more and more countries are adopting models of centralized control of religious freedom, with the massive use of technology. Elsewhere, minority religious communities often find themselves in an increasingly dramatic situation. In some cases they are in danger of extinction, due to a combination of terrorist actions, attacks against cultural heritage and more underhanded measures, such as the proliferation of anti-conversion laws, the manipulation of electoral rules and financial restrictions.
Particularly worrying is the increase in acts of anti-Semitism that have been verified in recent months; and I want to reiterate once again that this scourge must be eradicated from society, especially with education in fraternity and acceptance of others.
Equally worrying is the increase in persecution and discrimination against Christians, especially in the last decade. Not infrequently it deals, even if in a bloodless way, but in a socially relevant way, with those phenomena of slow marginalization and exclusion from political and social life and the exercise of certain professions that occur even in traditionally Christian lands. In total, more than 360 million Christians around the world suffer a high degree of persecution and discrimination because of their faith, and more and more are forced to flee their countries of origin.
Finally, the path to peace goes through education, which is the main investment in the future and the young generations. I still have vivid memories of the World Youth Day held in Portugal last August. While I thank once again the Portuguese authorities, both civil and religious, for their efforts to organize it, I keep in my heart the meeting with more than a million young people, from all over the world, full of enthusiasm and desire to live. His presence was a great hymn to peace and a testimony that “unity is superior to conflict” and that it is “possible to develop a communion in differences”.
In modern times, part of the educational challenge refers to the ethical use of new technologies. These can easily become instruments of division or the spread of lies, such as the so-called fake news; but they are also a means of encounter, mutual exchange and an important vehicle for peace. «The notable progress of new information technologies, especially in the digital sphere, therefore presents interesting opportunities and serious risks, with serious implications for the search for justice and harmony between peoples». That is why I thought it was important to dedicate the annual Message of the World Day of Peace to artificial intelligence, which is one of the most important challenges of the coming years. Technological development must be carried out ethically and responsibly. , preserving the centrality of the human person, whose contribution cannot and will never be replaced by an algorithm or a machine. «The intrinsic dignity of each person and the brotherhood that unites us as members of the only human family must underpin the development of new technologies and serve as unquestionable criteria to evaluate them before their use so that digital progress can take place respecting justice and contributing to the cause of peace.
Therefore, careful reflection is required at all levels, national and international, political and social, so that the development of artificial intelligence remains at the service of man, promoting and not hindering—especially in young people—interpersonal relationships, a healthy spirit of brotherhood and critical thinking capable of discernment.
In this perspective, the two Diplomatic Conferences of the World Intellectual Property Organization, which will take place in 2024 and in which the Holy See will participate as a Member State, acquire special relevance. For the Holy See, intellectual property is fundamentally oriented towards the promotion of the common good and cannot be separated from ethical limitations as this would lead to situations of injustice and undue exploitation. Special attention must also be paid to the protection of human genetic heritage, preventing practices contrary to human dignity, such as the patenting of human biological material and the cloning of human beings.
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen:
This year the Church prepares for the Jubilee that will begin next Christmas. I thank in particular the Italian Authorities, both national and local, for the efforts they are making to prepare the city of Rome to welcome numerous pilgrims and allow them to draw spiritual fruits from the Jubilee journey.
Perhaps today more than ever we need the jubilee year. Faced with so much suffering, which causes despair not only in the people directly affected, but in all our societies, in front of our young people, who instead of dreaming of a better future often feel helpless and frustrated; and in the face of the dark clouds that, instead of receding, seem to hang over the world, the Jubilee is the announcement that God never abandons his people and always keeps the doors of his Kingdom open. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Jubilee is a time of grace in which God’s mercy and his gift of peace are experienced. It is a time of justice in which sins are forgiven, reconciliation overcomes injustice and the land rests. It may be for everyone—Christians and non-Christians—the time when swords are broken and plows are made of them; the time when one nation no longer raises the sword against another, nor learns the art of war (Cf. Is 2:4).
This is my most sincere wish for each of you, dear Ambassadors, for your families, collaborators and the peoples you represent.
Thank you and Happy New Year everyone!