Celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord with this Prayer at Family

Here is a prayer to pray as a family, community, group or personally on the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord.

Everyone around the manger or nativity scene says:

ALL: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”.


Kings who come for them,
do not look for stars anymore,
because where the sun is,
the stars have no light.

Looking at its beautiful lights,
do not follow yours anymore,
because where the sun is,
the stars have no light.

Stop here, here is
who gives light to the heavens:
God is the most certain port,
and if you have found a port,
do not look for stars anymore.

Don’t look for the star now:
that its light has darkened
this newborn Sun
in this Virgin Aurora.

You will no longer find light in them,
the Child illuminates you now,
because where the sun is,
the stars have no light.

Although he tries to eclipse himself,
don’t repair his crying,
because it never rains as much
as when the sun lights up.Those beautiful tears
already darken the star,

because where the sun is,
the stars have no light. Amen.

BIBLE READING: Mt. 2, 1-12

“When Jesus was born, in Bethlehem of Judea, under the reign of Herod, some wise men from the East appeared in Jerusalem and asked: “Where is the king of the Jews who has just been born? Because we saw his star from him in the East and we have come to worship him.

Upon hearing this, King Herod was taken back and with him all of Jerusalem. Then he called together all the high priests and the scribes of the people, to ask them where the Messiah should be born.

In Bethlehem of Judea, they answered him, because thus it is written by the Prophet: “And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, are certainly not the least among the main cities of Judah, for from you will arise a chief who will be the Shepherd of my people, Israel.”

Herod secretly summoned the magi and after finding out precisely the date on which the star had appeared, he sent them to Bethlehem, telling them: “Go and inquire carefully about the child, and when you have found him, let me know so that I can go too.” to pay homage to him.”

After hearing the king, they set out. The star that they had seen in the East preceded them, until it stopped in the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were filled with joy, and upon entering the house, they found the child with Mary, his mother, and, prostrating themselves, they paid him homage. Then, opening their chests, they offered him gifts, gold, frankincense and myrrh. And since they received the warning in a dream not to return to Herod’s palace, they returned to their land by another way.”

If desired, at this time three family members place the images of the Magi in the manger next to Baby Jesus.

REFLECTION of Saint John Paul II

“On this feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, the Gospel of Saint Matthew speaks of a mysterious star, which guided the Magi first to Jerusalem and then to Bethlehem, where they adored the Child Jesus (cf. Mt 2, 2. 7. 9 10).

The star that leads the Magi to Christ evokes the rich symbology of light , very present at Christmas. God is light, and the Word made man is “light of the world” ( Jn 8, 12), light that guides the way of the people”.

Lord Jesus: that in imitation of the Magi from the East
we also often go
to adore you in your House which is the Temple
and never go empty-handed.

May we bring you the gold of our offerings,
the incense of our fervent prayer,
and the myrrh of the sacrifices we make to remain faithful to You,
and may we always find you next to your Most Holy Mother Mary,
whom we always want to honor and venerate
as Your Mother and our Mother.

(You can also add some requests.)

To conclude we pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and three times the Glory Be.


“In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”

(This prayer is translated from ACI Prensa)

Daily Reading, Saints

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