Catholic Science Event to Showcase “The Harmony Between the Catholic Faith and Science”

To demonstrate “the harmony between the Catholic faith and science,” a group of Catholic scientists is organizing a gathering for Catholic high school students, parents, and educators.

A catholic Science Event is to be organized at Bellarmine University on March 6 in Louisville, Kentucky in the context of the fourth annual St. Albert Initiative (SAI) where 200-250 attendees as well as 13 scientists and three theologians will come together. Stephen Barr, president of the Society of Catholic Scientists and emeritus professor of physics at the University of Delaware, explained that the event aims to demonstrate the link between faith and science to young adults.

“The St. Albert Initiatives were inspired by the belief that it is important to teach young Catholics that science and the Catholic faith are in harmony with each other and to give them an opportunity to meet, talk to, and hear talks by actual scientists who are believing Catholics,” Barr explained to CNA. “Additionally, we hope to inspire young Catholics who might be interested in careers in science and answer their questions”, he added.

This initiative is designed to educate young people and give them a opportunity to ask scientists their questions. According to Kate Bulinski, associate professor of geosciences in the Department of Environmental Studies at Bellarmine University, “our wider culture has embraced the idea that there is inherent conflict between faith and science.” Bulinski gives a talk on “The History of Life in Deep Time” at the event.

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