The Catholic Church has officially opened the diocesan phase of the beatification cause of Sister Clare Crockett, a young Irish nun who died in the 2016 Ecuador earthquake. The ceremony took place at the Magistral Cathedral of the Holy Children Justo and Pastor of Alcalá de Henares in Spain, in the presence of local bishops, priests, nuns, and faithful. Sister Clare’s remarkable life and virtues were highlighted during the ceremony, with Bishop Antonio Prieto Lucena explaining that the investigation into her life, reputation for holiness, and intercessory powers will now begin.
Sister Kristen Gardner, postulator of the cause, formally requested the opening of the diocesan phase, stating that it was motivated by a desire to give glory to God, manifested in Sister Clare’s dedication to Christ. Gardner recounted Sister Clare’s life, noting that her joy and coherent life led many souls to discover that true happiness is found only in God. Since her death at the age of 33, Sister Clare’s apostolate has extended beyond borders, with messages and emails from over 50 countries testifying to her intercessory powers. Many have reported finding hope, strength, and inspiration through Sister Clare’s life and example, with some even deciding to embrace consecrated life.