
The Comfort Zone of that Good Friend!

Words are not enough to describe good friendships. Good friendships are one of the pillars that support every person's life. Why are friends so...

Are You a Good Listener?

The conversation is a very important part of your relationship with others. Through conversations, ideas are exchanged, doubts move, and friendships grow. We learn...

How Praying can Heal You? 

Prayer is inevitable in a person's life. Even though we get it as a part of our ritual, prayer can give us a better...

Protect Yourself from Toxic People

Toxic people are the persons whose behavior adds negativity and upset to your life. You encounter all kinds of toxic people who use one...

Table Manners in Parenting 

It is important to know how respectful behaviour at the dinner table plays an important part in any child’s education. Here are some reasons: ...

Ways to Cope up with the Loneliness at Old Age

The feeling of isolation in old age is so common. You can change your life for the better and give yourself the positive mindset...

Three Types of Anger

There are three types of anger that help shape how we react in a situation that makes us angry. These are Passive Aggression, Open...

Possessiveness in a Relationship

Each relationship is in an imaginary line of possessiveness always. Couples cross the line from love to possessiveness when the relationship turns to feelings...

Latest news

Ways to Pray in Lent

There are as many ways to pray as there are prayers in this world. A few prayer methods can...

10 Facts you should Know about Ash Wednesday

These are some key facts to understand the importance of Ash Wednesday, in order to live well this liturgical...

Pope Francis Experiences Respiratory Distress, Undergoes Bronchoscopies

Pope Francis suffered two episodes of acute respiratory failure on Monday, experiencing severe difficulty breathing due to a significant...

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Lent is a Waiting

We spend a lot of our lives waiting for...

Saint Peter Damian Gives Advice on Sufferings and Problems

The feast of Saint Peter Damian is celebrated today....

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Pope Francis: “The Lord wants us to be fighters”

While meeting the members of the Pontifical Nepomuceno College,...

What Does the Bible Say Assuming the Best in Others

As Christians, we need to meditate on God’s Word...