
February 28: St. Oswald of Worcester

St. Oswald of Worcester was born when his parents had just come to England from Denmark. He was educated by his uncle, St. Odo...

Build a Friendship with God

We always love to relate to God as Father. and we worship Him as King; we want to obey Jesus, our Lord, and Savior;...

Today in Christian History: February 5

February 5 1705 Death of German theologian and clergyman Philipp Spener, who authored ‘Pia Desideria’ (Pious Wishes) as he was the chief Lutheran pastor in...

January 31: Saint John Bosco

John Bosco was born on August 16, 1815, in a small town not too far from Turin, Italy. His father died when he was...

Five Ways to Keep Peace at Home

A home of unity and love between family members is heaven on earth. The gift of peace in the family is very important. It...

08 January 2025, Epiphany Wednesday Mk. 6: 45-52 Epiphany of Divine Power

Church liturgy helps us to pass through a series of epiphanies, i.e., revelations of God, in this ‘Epiphany Octave’ or Epiphany week starting from...

Fathers can Become the Spiritual Heroes Before the Kids 

Both the parents, father, and mother,  play an equal role in the faith and spiritual training of children. This can never be forgotten. But...

Bible Verses About Gratitude

Giving thanks for each matter is a huge matter according to Christianity. Saying thanks to everyone for the received help with our thoughtful and...

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Readings of the Day: Sunday, March 02, 2025

First reading from the Book of Sirach Sir 27:4-7 When a sieve is shaken, the husks appear; so do one’s faults...

8th Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year C, Lk. 6: 39-46 Blind leading the Blind

The last part of the Sermon on the mount is the gospel of today’s Sunday. Through the sermon on...

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 6: 39-45) Judging Others

At the beginning of today’s Gospel reading, Jesus poses a striking question to his disciples: “Can a blind person...

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Saint Peter Damian Gives Advice on Sufferings and Problems

The feast of Saint Peter Damian is celebrated today....

Ten Years after Daesh Killed 21 Men on the Breach in Libya

This article is originally published in forbes.com by Dr....

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