26th Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year B, Mk 9: 38-48: Regard and Punishment
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48), Temptations to Sin
25th Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year B, Mk 9: 30-37: To be the First and the Greatest
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mark 9: 30-37), The Greatest in the Kingdom
24th Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year B, Mk 8: 27-35: Peter’s Confession of Faith
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mark 8: 27-35), Jesus is the Messiah
Readings of the Day: Monday, September 09, 2024
23rd Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year B, Mk 7: 31-37: Healing of a Deaf and Dumb