
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mark 10: 46-52), The Blind Bartimaeus

Today’s Gospel reading speaks to us about a blind man encountering Jesus near Jericho. This incident is a lesson of faith and discipleship for...

29th Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year B, Mk. 10: 35-45: Self Denial and Service

As John and James, the sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus and wished that one would sit on the right and the other on...

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mark 10: 35-45), Christian Meaning of Service

In today’s Gospel reading, the disciples, James and John, make a special request to Jesus. They want Jesus to grant them the privilege of...

28th Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year B, Mk 10: 17-30: Ten New Commandments

Jesus preached a loving God, not a punishing God. Jesus interpreted the law of Moses new and brought salvation and happiness to the people...

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mark 10: 17-30), Eternal Life

Mark presents some challenging passages to us in today’s reading. He speaks of a rich man who asks Jesus how to inherit eternal life...

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mark 10: 2-12) Marriage and Family

Today the gospel presents to us Christ’s teaching on the importance of marriage, family, and the need to follow God’s will. Jesus states that,...

27th Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year B, Mk 10: 2-16: True Relationship

The final session of the synod on synodality with the theme “for a synodal church, communion, participation, mission" started on 1st October 2024. In...

Readings of the Day: Sunday, September 29, 2024

First reading from the Book of Numbers Nm 11:25-29 The LORD came down in the cloud and spoke to Moses. Taking some of the spirit that...

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Pope Francis Honors Migrants and Refugees as ‘Missionaries of Hope'”

Pope Francis has announced the theme for the 111th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, calling migrants and refugees...

Vatican Honors Ukrainian Nun for Pro-Life Work with ‘Guardian of Life’ Award”

The Vatican's Academy for Life has awarded Sister Giustina Olha Holubets, a Ukrainian nun, the 2025 "Guardian of Life"...

Today in Christian History: March 04

March 04 1303: Passing away of Daniel (Daniiel Aleksandrovich), Grand Prince of Moscow and the youngest son of Alexander...

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Lent is a Waiting

We spend a lot of our lives waiting for...

Saint Peter Damian Gives Advice on Sufferings and Problems

The feast of Saint Peter Damian is celebrated today....

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