4th Sunday of Advent: Year C, Lk. 1: 39-45: Blessed are you among Women
3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Lk. 3: 10-18: Spiritual Preparation for Christmas
Third Sunday of Advent (Luke 3:10-18), The Sunday of Rejoicing
2nd Sunday of Advent Year C, Lk. 3: 1-6: The Message of Repentance
Second Sunday of Advent (Luke 3:1-6), Prepare the way of the Lord
1st Sunday of Advent Year C, Lk. 21: 25-36: Advent and the Signs of End Times
First Sunday of Advent (Luke 21: 25-28, 34-36) The Coming of the Son of Man
Feast of Christ the King, Year B: Jn. 18: 33-40: Christ, the King of Heart