
4th Sunday of Advent: Year C, Lk. 1: 39-45: Blessed are you among Women

In today's Gospel we heard the words of Elizabeth to Mary. She said: Blessed are you more than all other women and blessed is...

3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Lk. 3: 10-18: Spiritual Preparation for Christmas

The third Sunday of advent is called “Gaudete” which means rejoice. We are invited to rejoice because the Lord is coming. we are very...

Third Sunday of Advent (Luke 3:10-18), The Sunday of Rejoicing

The third Sunday of Advent is known as “Gaudete Sunday”: a Sunday of joy and hope.  The birth of our Lord is the cause...

2nd Sunday of Advent Year C, Lk. 3: 1-6: The Message of Repentance

Today on the second Sunday of Advent we heard in the Gospel about the preaching of John the Baptist on repentance. John baptised those...

Second Sunday of Advent (Luke 3:1-6), Prepare the way of the Lord 

As we enter the Second Sunday of Advent, the Gospel reading from St. Luke presents us with a detailed historical background of the time...

1st Sunday of Advent Year C, Lk. 21: 25-36: Advent and the Signs of End Times

The old church year came to an end with Christ the King Sunday and with the 1st Sunday of Advent we begin a new...

First Sunday of Advent (Luke 21: 25-28, 34-36) The Coming of the Son of Man

Our preparation for Christmas begins on the First Sunday of Advent. Today is also the beginning of the new liturgical year. It reminds us...

Feast of Christ the King, Year B: Jn. 18: 33-40: Christ, the King of Heart

We live in a period of unrest and war out of which many political leader try to gain more power. Jesus the King shows...

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Today in Christian History: March 04

March 04 1303: Passing away of Daniel (Daniiel Aleksandrovich), Grand Prince of Moscow and the youngest son of Alexander...

Readings of the Day: Tuesday, March 04, 2025

A reading from the Book of Sirach Sirach 35:1-12 To keep the law is a great oblation, and he who observes...

March 04: Saint Lucius I

Saint Lucius I was the bishop of Rome from 25 June 253 to his death on 5 March 254....

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Lent is a Waiting

We spend a lot of our lives waiting for...

Saint Peter Damian Gives Advice on Sufferings and Problems

The feast of Saint Peter Damian is celebrated today....

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