
31st Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year A – Mt 23: 1-12, Exaltation of the Humble

In todays Gospel from the Gospel of St Mathew Jesus gives a warning. It was just before starting the passion of Christ. This warning...

30th Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year A – Mt 22:34-40: The Greatest Commandment

Today we have gathered together on 30th Sunday of the ordinary time and heard from the Gospel of Mathew chapter 22. We find the...

29th Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year A – Mt 22,15-21: Paying Tax to Caesar or not?

"Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not?" This question of the disciples of Pharisees along with the Herodians was...

27th Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year A – Mt 21:33-44: The Parable of the Tenants

The story of the landowner and the tenants in today’s gospel reveal the selfishness and cruelty of the tenants. The landowner had the hope...

26th Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year A – Mt 21:28-32: Parable of the two Sons

In today’s parable Jesus speaks about the relationship of the Father with two sons, one would say always yes to the father and the...

25th Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year A – Mt 20:1-16a: Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord

Work in the vineyard and just wage for it are the main themes in today’s gospel. It was quite normal during the time of...

24th Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year A – Mt 18:21-35: The Spirit of Forgiveness

Once some one told me that if a person disappoint him once he would forgive; but after a second time he would not forgive...

23rd Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year A – Mt 18:15-20: Eternal Presence of Jesus

There is a beautiful song starting with the following words: where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” This...

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Today in Christian History: February 24

February 24 303: Roman Emperor Galerius Valerius Maximianus issues the first official Roman edict for the persecution of Christians. 1208: Francis...

Readings of the Day: Monday, February 24, 2025

A reading from the Book of Sirach Sirach 1:1-10 All wisdom comes from the LORD and with him it remains forever,...

February 24: Saint Adela

St. Adela was born sometime around the year 1067. She was the youngest daughter of William the Conqueror, Duke...

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Saint Peter Damian Gives Advice on Sufferings and Problems

The feast of Saint Peter Damian is celebrated today....

Ten Years after Daesh Killed 21 Men on the Breach in Libya

This article is originally published in by Dr....

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