8th Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year C, Lk. 6: 39-46 Blind leading the Blind
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 6: 39-45) Judging Others
7th Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year C, Lk 6: 27-38 Righteousness of Jesus
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 6: 27-38), A Radical Call to Love
6th Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year C, Lk. 6: 17, 20-26 Sermon on a Level Place
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 6:17, 20-26) The Beatitudes
5th Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year C, Jn. 13: 33-35 The New Commandment
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 5: 1-11) Put Out into the Deep