Daily Saints

December 24: Saint Trasilla and Saint Emiliana

Saints Trasilla and Emiliana were aunts of St. Gregory the Great. They are venerated as virgin saints of the sixth century. They appear in...

December 23: Saint Servulus

Saint Servulus is the epitome of how close a person can be to God in all of poverty, disease, and misery. St. Gregory writes...

December 22: Saint Flavian

Saint Flavian was a Roman prefect who lived in the fourth century. He was a Christian who was arrested by the authorities and deported...

December 21: Saint Peter Canisius

Born in Holland in 1521, Peter had edited and written several volumes on Church history and theology. He had been a delegate to the...

December 20: Saint Ammon

Ammon was one of the few Christians martyred in Egypt during the reign of Emperor Decius. A man who was once imprisoned and brought...

December 19: Pope Urban V

Blessed Pope Urban V was a dynamic and charismatic leader of the Church. His papacy was during the tumultuous fourteenth century. He was the...

December 18: Saint Winibald

Winibald (Winebald, Winnibald, Wunebald, Wynbald) (c. 702 - 18 December 761) was abbot of the Benedictine double monastery of Heidenheim am Hahnenkamm. He is...

December 17: Saint John of Martha

Saint John was born at Faucon, Provence, on June 23, 1160. He was educated at Aix, but on his return to Faucon. He lived...

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Saint Don Bosco Suggests How to Handle the Naughty Kids

We often see parents being very upset with naughty babies. Naughtiness, stubbornness, and cruelty are more common, especially in...

Five Benefits of a Good Education Suggested by Don Bosco

On 31 January, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of Saint John Bosco who was a teacher and...

Today in Christian History: January 31

January 31 314: Silvester becomes bishop of Rome (i.e.: pope) after Miltiades, but few genuine records will survive from his years. 366:...

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