Daily Saints

March 18: St. Cyril of Jerusalem

St. Cyril was a fourth-century bishop and Doctor of the Church whose writings are still regarded as masterful expressions of Christian faith. He had an...

March 17: Saint Patrick of Ireland

St. Patrick of Ireland was born in 387. There are many stories surrounding the origin of St. Patrick. The most credible says that he...

March 16: Saint Eusebia

Saint Eusebia was born in Ostrevant (near the Belgian-French border). She was the daughter of two saints, the couple Adalbald and Rictrudis, and the...

March 15: Louise de Marillac

Saint Louie de Marillac was born on 12 August 1591, near Le Meux, now in the department of Oise, in Picardy. Louis was a...

March 14: Saint Boniface

St Boniface Curitan was a bishop of Ross, Scotland. He was born in Rome. He evangelized the Picts and Scots. Boniface introduced Roman observance,...

March 13: Saint Euphrasia

Euphrasia was born in 390 in Constantinople. Her parents were related to Theodosius, emperor of Constantinople. Her father died when she was five years...

March 12: Pope Innocent I

Pope Innocent I was the bishop of Rome from 401 to his death on 12 March 417. He may have been the son of...

March 11: St. Teresa Margaret Redi

Anna Maria Redi was born in Arezzo, Italy, on 15th July 1747. She had a very happy childhood. And also she had shown very...

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Today in Christian History: January 31

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