
Novena for the Persecuted Church & Religious Freedom – Day 2

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. O great cloud of witnesses! O host of Angels and...

Novena for the Persecuted Church & Religious Freedom – Day 1

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. O great cloud of witnesses! O host of Angels...

A Family Prayer

Dear Jesus, Always remind us of who you are and what you can do. You are bigger than all of our problems or worries. You...

A Bedtime Prayer for Your Kid

God, my friend, it is time for bed. Time to rest my sleepy head. I pray to you before I do. Please guide me down the path...

Let’s Pray for a Sick Friend

O Holy Spirit, please come like a dove Shield and protect now the one that I love. Cover their wounds and state of mind with Your...

Prayer for Persecuted Christians

Sovereign God, we worship You and we acknowledge that You know all of those who suffer in Your name. We remember those who are imprisoned for their faith and...

Prayer Before an Examination

Dear Lord, as I take this exam, I thank you that my value Is not based on my performance, but on your great love for...

Prayer for Widows and Orphans

Protector God, I pray for widows and orphans. I pray to lift them up, asking you to fulfill them, comfort them, and be a...

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Saint Don Bosco Suggests How to Handle the Naughty Kids

We often see parents being very upset with naughty babies. Naughtiness, stubbornness, and cruelty are more common, especially in...

Five Benefits of a Good Education Suggested by Don Bosco

On 31 January, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of Saint John Bosco who was a teacher and...

Today in Christian History: January 31

January 31 314: Silvester becomes bishop of Rome (i.e.: pope) after Miltiades, but few genuine records will survive from his years. 366:...

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Pope’s Communications Day message, 2025


Pilgrimage to the Tomb of Akash Bashir, the Young Pakistani Salesian

A group of Christians from various Christian denominations travelled...

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