Pope Francis

Vatican announces the theme for World Communication Day

Vatican announces the theme for 56th World Communication Day which will be celebrated in 2022. ‘Listen’, the single word chosen by Pope Francis on...

Pope Warns the Dangers of Consumerist Culture

Pope Francis warns the dangers of consumerist culture and recalls that ‘you have to consume to live, not live to consume’ so it is...

Presence of the Holy See on Social Media

In recent years, the Holy See (the administrative body of the Catholic Church consisting of the Pope and various executive departments of Vatican) has built...

Latest news

Pope Francis Experiences Respiratory Distress, Undergoes Bronchoscopies

Pope Francis suffered two episodes of acute respiratory failure on Monday, experiencing severe difficulty breathing due to a significant...

Pope Francis Honors Migrants and Refugees as ‘Missionaries of Hope'”

Pope Francis has announced the theme for the 111th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, calling migrants and refugees...

Vatican Honors Ukrainian Nun for Pro-Life Work with ‘Guardian of Life’ Award”

The Vatican's Academy for Life has awarded Sister Giustina Olha Holubets, a Ukrainian nun, the 2025 "Guardian of Life"...

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Lent is a Waiting

We spend a lot of our lives waiting for...

Saint Peter Damian Gives Advice on Sufferings and Problems

The feast of Saint Peter Damian is celebrated today....

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Pentecost Novena- Day 05

All: In the name of the Father, the Son,...