Pope Francis

Pope Francis: “The source of everything is love”

Pope Francis said “Jesus tells us that the source of everything is love,” and he assured that “the Lord will come and ask us...

Pope Francis Prays at the Graves of the Unborn on All Souls’ Day

Pope Francis prayed especially on 2 November, the day the Catholic Church dedicated to the demised souls. The Holy Father visited the Garden of...

Full Text of the Homily of Pope Francis on the Solemnity of All Saints

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning and happy feast! Today, the Solemnity of All Saints, in the Gospel (cf. Mt 5:1-12) Jesus proclaims the identity...

Pope Francis: The Beatitudes are the “identity card of the Christian” and the path to holiness

Pope Francis said that the Beatitudes — collected in today's Gospel, Matthew 5, 1-12 — are the “identity card of the Christian” and “the...

Pope Francis: World Needs Teachers with ‘a big heart’ 

Pope Francis encouraged members of Italy’s Educational Commitment Movement of Catholic Action (MIEAC) to not be afraid to propose high Christian ideals to young...

Vatican to Consider Fr. Arrupe’s Canonization After Diocesan Investigation

The canonization process for Father Pedro Arrupe, SJ, a revered Jesuit leader and mentor to Pope Francis, is nearing a milestone. On 14 November,...

Pope Francis Meets with Chilean Bishops to Address Ecclesial Crisis

Pope Francis recently met with the permanent committee members of the Episcopal Conference of Chile (CECh) in a private audience, marking their first meeting...

Pope Francis’ Catechesis: Confirmation, the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit

Below is the complete catechesis given by Pope Francis at the General Audience of October 30, entitled “Confirmation, the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit”: Today,...

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Readings of the Day: Wednesday, March 05, 2025

A reading from the Book of Joel Joel 2:12-18 Even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart, with...

Homily: Ash Wednesday (Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-8) Unseen in the Ashes

Today, we begin Lent with ashes on our foreheads—a reminder of our mortality and a call to return to...

March 05: Saint Kieran

Saint Kieran was born in the late 5th century AD. He was converted to Christianity and also became a...

Must read

Lent is a Waiting

We spend a lot of our lives waiting for...

Saint Peter Damian Gives Advice on Sufferings and Problems

The feast of Saint Peter Damian is celebrated today....

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